My skin is cracked and bleeding!



  • Dianna00001
    HI!!!! U need to see your Doctor!!!!! But,U also need to be taking a multi-vitamin and drinking water.... Wishing u a good week-end........:flowerforyou:
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Hey sweetie. First of all I just want to tell you that you are gorgeous!! You look like a pin-up girl! Next, I know you said you can't afford a doctor, but like someone else has said, there should be a health center of some type at your university. It should be free, included in your student fees that you've already paid. So please go check it out. If you are eating on campus, I know its hard, but try to choose fresh foods not processed. It seems so convenient to just grab something quick because you are in a hurry on your way to or from classes... but honestly that stuff steals your health. Get a couple of pieces of fruit to stick in your bag, some nuts... things you can have for when you are short on time. But when you can, get a real meal and sit down and enjoy it. I truly believe that if you clean up your food choices, your skin will heal. But you said you always have dry skin and thats the thing that caught my attention. Please ask at the clinic that they check your thyroid. I have always had dry skin...dry hair, chapped lips, red/cracked/bleeding hands. But now I'm on T3 and T4 for my thyroid and my skin is nice! Get the results and check them out yourself. So many women have problems with their thyroid and don't even know it. But remember that no amount of medication or exercise can make up for poor nutrition. Anyway, I wish you success in your classes and throughout the journey you are on!