need help with food cravings, not hungry i just like to eat.

I started mfp again last week and I was very committed and lost 1.5kg in 5 days. Then we had a wedding that we went away for and I ate crap for 3 days. I couldn't believe how bad it felt eating processed junk food again.
It usually takes me 2 days to get back over sugar cravings and back on track. I tried to get back eating healthy yesterday but had major cravings and gave into them. I'm back in a good mind set again today but does anyone have any help to curve my sugar cravings?.

I was just at the supermarket and saw superstrength fat-less slim tea that I bought to hopefully curve my sugar cravings a tad. Has anyone used it? Results?



  • SBlost
    I have never used that tea but I drin ktea when I crave things or I just have a sting cheese(50-70 calories, depends on the kind I buy)
    I also try drinking water when I have a craving or chewing sugar free gum, that helps me too.
    I have craved fries but I just cook green beans in the oven instead, that also works.

    Good luck!!!