Seaweed snacks anyone?



  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    I absolutely love them! I gave some to my friends to try, one of my friends actually spit it out on the ground lol. If you hate sushi you wont like them. My family hates them so I dont have to share :).
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I watched a vlog the other day about healthy snacks and saw those....very intriguing. I meant to look at the grocery store yesterday but forgot...guess I'll try to remember for next time.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I absolutely love them! I gave some to my friends to try, one of my friends actually spit it out on the ground lol. If you hate sushi you wont like them. My family hates them so I dont have to share :).

    Ha, my 4 yo nephew did that! And both him and my mom kept wiping their tongues off with their fingers while giving me nasty looks after I had them try it.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Annie Chun's Wasabi are a favorite snack of mine! My husband says that he thinks they are gross, but he always ends up eating them when I am eating them. Satisfies my chip cravings.
  • Laurie1231
    Laurie1231 Posts: 5 Member
    OMG i just tried this for the first time today! I got the wasabi ones from whole foods and they are amazing!!!!
  • elm2008
    elm2008 Posts: 95 Member
    Love them, just not enough to eat them all the time. There are little small packs for $1 that come in a few different flavors. i believe they're called something like Seasnax.
  • Sooo friggin' good! I'm so glad I've discovered these!
  • fitandgeeky
    fitandgeeky Posts: 232 Member
    I love them. I get mine from the Asian grocery store, so much cheaper than everywhere else and they have a variety. I'm the only one in the family that likes them. My kids think they stink and hubs won't touch them which is fine, more for me.
  • jmdesrochers
    jmdesrochers Posts: 18 Member with olive oil, wasabi is the BEST!