Scared to be Successful?

Hi I'm Jenna! I joined a few days ago, and I'm a seasoned "dieter." My parents had me dieting since I was small and I've always been physically active. I'd like to meet some people and get support about the whole weightloss journey. I am good at taking off 10lbs or so, but then I freak out and ruin it. I think I'm afraid to lose weight because I've always been known as the fat girl. I don't know if I'd know how to describe myself otherwise in that sense. Has anyone been there? I have read so many success stories. How do you get past that feeling? I don't want to lose weight to impress anyone, I just want to be fit and super healthy. Somewhere in life I made things very negative. It would be great to get some friends who can relate as well as friends who can tell it how it is and help me get my *kitten* motivated!!!