Runners Diet/keep lean muscle @ same time..

Hey guys!!

I am jessica,.. I am a clean eater..have been on this journey for alittle more than 100 days..and I love it.. Have been focused on toning.. but I have been put up to the test to run a 1/2 marathon. So training started TODAY.. and I want to make sure I can hopefully retain my lean muscle while training for this marathon. Any ideas on diet? Increase calories? What should be carbs and protein be at?... I am at 1490calories now.. I have a HRM i burn on avg per workout 500-700 calories with strength and cardio...but now that i will be running I am sure it will be more..Would love to hear feedback thank you. I will also posted this on the fitness board as well.

The Inexperienced Runner...


  • MissyBenj
    MissyBenj Posts: 186 Member
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Eat at your maintenance, and don't worry about cutting calories. You could even eat at a surplus, and still maintain your current weight.

    I'm about to start training for my third half marathon, if you have questions/need help, let me know!.

    Just make sure you are a) eating enough, and b) carb-loading before your long runs.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Keep protein intake high, try to incorporate heavy lifting sessions in between your running and eat at maintenance. Perhaps some gu while you run and some bcaa's pre workout.
  • meowmixx25
    meowmixx25 Posts: 20 Member
    thank you! High as in to what? Right now I am averaging 130grams.. Today I lifted and and ran 3 miles.. I don't wanna over train my body.. hmm .. i guess i will just need to listen to it. Yah I keep hearing about this "Gu" my friend says she takes it every few miles during the marathon. Already on the BCAA's ;) I take during my workout..Thank you so much for the feedback
    Keep protein intake high, try to incorporate heavy lifting sessions in between your running and eat at maintenance. Perhaps some gu while you run and some bcaa's pre workout.
  • meowmixx25
    meowmixx25 Posts: 20 Member
    thank you!!
    Eat at your maintenance, and don't worry about cutting calories. You could even eat at a surplus, and still maintain your current weight.

    I'm about to start training for my third half marathon, if you have questions/need help, let me know!.

    Just make sure you are a) eating enough, and b) carb-loading before your long runs.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    thank you! High as in to what? Right now I am averaging 130grams.. Today I lifted and and ran 3 miles.. I don't wanna over train my body.. hmm .. i guess i will just need to listen to it. Yah I keep hearing about this "Gu" my friend says she takes it every few miles during the marathon. Already on the BCAA's ;) I take during my workout..Thank you so much for the feedback
    Keep protein intake high, try to incorporate heavy lifting sessions in between your running and eat at maintenance. Perhaps some gu while you run and some bcaa's pre workout.

    130g/day should be adequate for you. If you start lifting more you may benefit from a bit more protein, assuming you don't have any health issues that would cause you to stay away from that much protein. Gu energy is a high carb gel. Helps to prevent your glycogen reserves from being depleted.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    IMO, there really is no need to carbo load for a long runs for a half marathon. Most of us don't need to build up our glycogen stores fully for a half. That usually comes more into play for a full marathon. Some people will, just to be safe. But, hitting the wall, is when your glycogen stores run out. And that often comes between mile 18-20 for a lot of runners, if it comes at all. Sports drinks, gu's, sports beans, etc, all help offset this effect as well.

    Make sure you get enough fuel, but you don't necessarily need to over fuel. I've seen people over carb and bloat badly during runs and races.

    You need to find the right balance for you.

    RunnersWorld has lots of good information on distance runners' diets and what our macros should look like...if you want to follow it.
  • stormsusmc
    stormsusmc Posts: 228 Member
    Check out my thread for some info on muscle and staying lean.

    Now as far as running, you'll need to make sure you're eating, carbs, fat, and protein, make sure it's balanced.

    Drink casein protein at night as well...Lift weights when you're not running, or training.
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    As someone completing many 1/2 marathons, 1/2 ironmans and a full ironman what generally worked for me was doing 2-3 short and heavy strength sessions each week and making sure I ate at my maintenance + exercise calories. This is probably good practice in general to help your recovery between training sessions
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    As someone completing many 1/2 marathons, 1/2 ironmans and a full ironman what generally worked for me was doing 2-3 short and heavy strength sessions each week and making sure I ate at my maintenance + exercise calories. This is probably good practice in general to help your recovery between training sessions

    I would agree with this. Having run for over 30 years, marathons and 50 mile ultra, and all shorter distances, and having gained weight all that time (full story here, that you don't really too many extra calories.

    I especially agree with the strength training 2-3 days. I found my leg exercises made my running faster this last year. I can't wait to try another marathon at my new lean weight while incorporating strength training. In addition to DL's and Squats I do Bulgarian Split Squats, Lunges, Reverse lunges, Curtsey lunges, Step Ups, Crossover Bench Step Ups, and a Lunge Matrix.

    Oh and when you first do those exercises you will be sore and it will hurt your running schedule only briefly, then once the muscles heal you are stronger, so be patient if just starting a weight routine.