Cancer survivor ready to kick butt

:wink: Hi All,

35 year old mum of twin girls here who is also a 3 time non hogkins lymphoma survivor. Had a light bulb moment the other day and reaslied that i need to help myself and once and for all be a good role model for my twins and husband and that mum is also important. Would love it if i could link up with other people...all backgrounds no limits to help keep me motivated and for me to motivate. Am doing a 1200 calorie a day diet, got for a 30 min walk in my lunchbreak and have just started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred diet. Heres hoping i dont fall off the bandwagon. Aiming for 5kgs down by my birthday in oct and almost halfway to my first goal. Aiming for 20 kgs down but happy to take my time and do it right.