GYM Regime??????

Hi Everyone,

I have just been signed up to a gym and have marked out all the classes I want to do of a morning.. however am wondering...

I have about an hour to spare between classes and needing to be at work, since the gym is a short walk away, I wonder if anyone can give me an idea of a good workout regime which will work my whole body (i want to tone)...

for example;

10 mins treadmill
10 mins arm weights etc etc.

I would really appreciate your input.



  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    This is my routine that I'm on, don't worry ill be nice and let you borrow it ;D lol
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    Oh, to further reply.... Those are all weight exercises. Which I figure would be good for you since you are going to be getting your cardio in at the classes. I usually get these done in an hour or some times less.
  • neetneetneets
    neetneetneets Posts: 95 Member
    I follow this

    not precisely but it gives me a good idea of what to do, and has videos of all the moves (for both male and female). I generally do one class a week as well instead of a rest day to add variety, and throw in a few other exercises here and there (calf raises), and substitute the ones I can't do. (I'm too scared to try a clean and jerk...). But it gives a good overview and I think it's working!
  • misspancakes
    misspancakes Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks guys :)
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    That will depend on the type of class you are taking, and the intensity.

    As a basic rule though, if you are looking to 'tone' (FYI we hate that word 'round here :wink: ) then what you need is to lift some heavy stuff. You can get a decent workout in 45 mins or so each day, but it will be a bit less effective if you bust your butt with a cardio class before.

    So, how many days per week will you be training, and what classes will you be doing?