Women only, PLEASE



  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I know there was a sign up intended to keep men out but I only want to help so please pardon my intrusion.

    Have you been under a lot of stress lately because of your missed TOM and your lack of weight loss?
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Try lowering your sugar and carbs. Also you may be overestimating your exercise burn. Your totals are very high. Try not eating back exercise calories for a week and see what happens. And make sure you are 100% accurate on portion sizes and write everything down. Then be patient.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    This might be too personal, but are you having regular bowel movements? Think back, when was the last time you went #2? I've been having the same problem lately with plateauing/struggling with the same few pounds. Up your fiber intake and drink more water.
  • sundropc14
    sundropc14 Posts: 37 Member
    cut your sodium!! i Know this is a repeat but it will reek havoc
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Patience, keep up the good work, less sodium and lots of water.
  • browshan
    browshan Posts: 5 Member
    I was thinking an endocrinologist too or even seeing your family doctor to have them check your TSH- thyroid. Hypothyroidism can cause your metabolism to slow down and it can also cause a delay in your monthly cycle.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    If I have a large weight loss one week I may not have the scale move for a week or two. Don't worry about it, yet. Just stay on track and keep tracking. My scale is very stubborn at T.O.M. Give it time. Also, how certain are you of your portions and exercise? Sometimes our estimates aren't as accurate as we think. Definitely drink more water and watch your carbs. Also, unless you are really sure of your calorie expenditures, try not to eat all the calories back. You may not be creating the calorie deficiency you are hoping for.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I'm no expert but just from looking at your diary, I'd say your calories are set a little high IMO and you're eating A LOT of processed food. Processed food is usually full of sodium and other things our bodies don't really need. Sure it's fine to have it, but not every meal.

    I personally don't eat all my calories back when I work out either. I kind of gauge how much of them I eat based on my hunger level. If I'm famished I eat all of them, if not I may eat only half. Sometimes if I'm not hungry I eat none of them. Also I retain a lot of water when I'm about to start my period and tend to not lose anything so that may be a large factor here as well. Just my 2 cents.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I'm doing everything I should be doing. Exercising. Eating right. Everything. But... I'm still not losing weight. I gain a pound. I lose it again. And the cycle begins again. I'm just stuck. And, I have been for almost 2 weeks. I don't know what's wrong. It's starting to drag me down. I feel bloated. TOM was supposed to visit about a week ago, and it still hasn't. There's no way there can be a reason for that. I guess it's just stress. I feel even more stressed, though... and at times I just feel like giving up.
    Can you shift your thought processes?
    Can you think more in terms of Fitness instead of just....The Scale.
    It is so great to make healthy changes and reap the reward of that!

    Improve your habits of eating, sleeping, thinking, exercising, etc.
    Make changes and note how you get stronger, leaner, healthier, feel better, etc...
    This is something to enjoy, because it has such a great effect. Enjoy!

    Regarding your cycle, I experienced that last spring before I embarked on my Operation Fitness Forever.
    Had my hormones all checked...they were all a tad LOW!
    Googled around a bit to see what I could do, and behold,
    diet, rest, exercise and stress reduction normalize hormones.

    I have also noticed that Evening Primrose Oil helps soothe and regulate my cycle. (fatty acids)
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I am only mentioning this because you asked for help (not to judge!) but maybe not logging things like workplace/desk exercise (it says 60 minutes is 216 calories, which seems a bit unlikely for anaerobic exercise) and house cleaning.

    It gives you a lot of extra calories in your diary that might be exaggerated.

    Good luck! Don't stress :)
  • helaurin
    helaurin Posts: 157 Member
    First, I am not an expert, just a fellow person on this weight-loss journey. That said, I'm working with trainers through a "biggest loser" type program from our employer, so I am benefiting from info provided by the trainers as well as reading a ton of material on my own.

    My suggestions:

    1. Keep tracking, but don't get too hung up from a short plateau or blip.
    2. As others have said, watch the sodium, Whether it is from processed food or home made recipes, sodium is still sodium. The trainers we are working with suggested a max of 1,500 grams of sodium per day; a bit less, if possible. For me, since my calorie target is the 1,200 to 1,400 calories daily, I try to think of it as trying to not exceed the number of calories I'm eating. For example, I saw you had Raisin Bran, which is high in sodium for the number of calories associated with a serving.
    3. Don't eat back all your calories that you burned off by exercise. If your usual calorie goal is, say, 1,500 calories and you exercise for 300 calories, don't let yourself have 1,800 calories, because you are reducing the calorie deficit that you are working so hard to create.
    4. Look at the timing of when you are eating the majority of your calories - this is something I am struggling with too - but many nutritionists recommend that you either try to eat several small meals during the day, somewhat evenly divided in calories, or that you have 35% to 40% of your calories in the morning hours, 30% - 35% in the afternoon (with about 75% between morning and afternoon), and the remainder - about 25% - early in the evening. So if you're target is, say, 1,500 calories, have five small meals of about 300 calories each, or four of about 375 each. From the look of your diary today, you may be eating too many calories later in the day.
    5. Make sure you get enough of both water and sleep (again, something I struggle with daily).
    6. Watch the carbs (hard to do, I know). Our trainers say that pairing carbs with protein at the same time works out with better results.
    7. As others have said, be careful about measuring/weighing food. I bought myself a decent Salter nutritional scale and weigh everything possible (exception being liquids, which are measured by volume).

    As others have said, your calorie level may be high, but so much depends on one's height, weight, activity level, etc.

    Also consider, if your exercise routine includes strengthening exercises, you might be losing fat and gaining muscle - which weighs more. Don't be alarmed about your plateau just yet!

    I do share your frustration, though. Sometimes I feel like all I have to do is see or smell food, and I gain weight.
  • Storm_Wolf

    Everytime I go to a doctor, they tell me all of my blood work is normal. Everything is always "normal". I was diagnosed with PCOS, though, and put on birth control. After my blood pressure started going up, I ended up quitting the birth control when they told me that was the cause. So, that's not being treated right now. I guess that may be the problem.

    I had the same problem for ages! I'd go to the doctor and gyn/ob and they always told me there was nothing wrong with me. I was certain there was. So....at the urging of my husband I again got a new doctor (actually a nurse practioner) who listened to me! Seems I've had PCOS as well...since 15....which is why I began gaining so much weight around that time.

    Now...I'm not blaming all my weight gain on that....I've helped it along with some really bad habits, but it certainly has made the journey to losing weight more difficult.

    Birth control worked for me, but....My husband and I want to have a baby....so I was put on Metformin (Glucophage) because i wasn't producing eggs and having periods that lasted months at a time.The GYN said that it would help me lose about 1-2lbs a week if i continued on my currant plan. I've only been taking it for about a month so I'm not sure if it is helping or not, but once i cut out carbs like bread, starches, pasta, and rice i lost like 20lbs....now i've been averaging about 1lb a week.

    My cousin started me on a diet that for the first week consisted of ONLY lean meats...then gradually introduced other things like fruits, veggies, and ect. It is safe because her bariatric doctor recommended it for her.