Any fun, creative exercise ideas? Please help!



  • GSCPostBaby
    GSCPostBaby Posts: 111 Member
    The Kama Sutra.
  • GSCPostBaby
    GSCPostBaby Posts: 111 Member
    Seriously though, posts workouts daily which will kick your *kitten* and are really fun and challenging.
  • I don't know if you do this already, but our instructor (former Army) throws into our workouts:
    Reverse Fireman Carry (dragging body)
    Fireman Carry (carrying a person on your shoulders)
    Squat Jumps
    The jumps where you put your hands around your knees/legs as you jump up in the air
    You could have a soccer game.
    I don't know what you call this, but you are down really low like a spider and have to basically run on all fours. We did that in the sand and it was sooo hard.
    While one person is in full arm extension plank position, the other person has to jump over the planker's legs facing toward the legs. make harder by jumping sideways. As the jumper gets over he must drop and both people push up at the same time. Then switch positions.
    Leap Frog over each other. The person bending has to stay relatively tall but with head tucked under.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I know this isn't creative but my little brother's ROTC class did P90X together.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Here's one I wrote up... this will be fun :devil:

    ‘Duck Duck Goose PT’ – Cadets will play a modified version of ‘Duck Duck Goose’. Cadets will form a circle. One cadet will walk around the circle, calling out ‘Duck Duck Goose’. While they are doing this, all the other cadets are in the plank position. When they need to rest, they will switch automatically to the front leaning rest and begin doing pushups continuously. When they need to rest from pushups, they will switch back to plank position. They will repeat this throughout the exercise. Whoever is selected as the ‘goose’ will race the cadet who selected them 50 m away and back from the exercise area. Whoever loses has to do 5 burpees before resuming planks/pushups while the winner continues to go around the circle. If a Cadet wins 2 sprint rounds or is selected to sprint 2 times in a row, they will be placed back in the plank/pushup circle and another cadet will be selected so that each cadet will have a round to sprint.