The secret or vision boards,

Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
Has anyone used a vision board or the secret? If so other then hearing a song has anything actually came true, if so what would you say you think was the biggest thing you did to make it happen?


  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member

    But you can't just "make a vision board" or "watch the secret" and poof all things will materialize. You have to want it and make the necessary steps to achieve it.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Has anyone used a vision board or the secret? If so other then hearing a song has anything actually came true, if so what would you say you think was the biggest thing you did to make it happen?

    I feel like this is a riddle.
  • I have a vision board. I add to it daily. Really keeps me focused on my goals.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I usually do a vision board on Jan. 1 on a women's retreat every year.

    I think some of the things have come true, but I don't think it's because of the board. To me, it's more an inspiration and a plan than it is something that makes things happen.

    And I think The Secret is bollocks.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Could someone clarify what 'the secret' is? Or is it like Fight Club?
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    LOl no not like fight club, some people believe that by thinking positive and visualizing things they will manifest themselves to you. Like I see myself skinny so some how magically I will be skinny. I believe being positive helps but not sure about the secret.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    LOl no not like fight club, some people believe that by thinking positive and visualizing things they will manifest themselves to you. Like I see myself skinny so some how magically I will be skinny. I believe being positive helps but not sure about the secret.

    I do think attitude makes a difference because the more confidence you have, the more likely you'll go after what you want. But the fundamental ideas in that book/philosophy are ridiculous.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    LOl no not like fight club, some people believe that by thinking positive and visualizing things they will manifest themselves to you. Like I see myself skinny so some how magically I will be skinny. I believe being positive helps but not sure about the secret.

    Well, attitude IS everything, and I do believe in karma in a sense - put out good, get good back. That's not to say bad things don't happen to good people, but in general, if you make an effort to be positive and try to exude that, it usually pays off in the long run.

    Visualisation is a powerful tool, and like most things, it can be positive or negative. There is nothing wrong with setting goals and visualizing yourself being the person you want to become.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Has anyone used a vision board or the secret? If so other then hearing a song has anything actually came true, if so what would you say you think was the biggest thing you did to make it happen?

    I feel like this is a riddle.
    Googling just makes it more confusing, lol.

    I take it as someone's private place to post Courage Wolf pictures.
  • Bump.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Vision boards aren't a bad idea. I don't personally have one, but they do work.

    Anything that gets you to focus on your goals is helpful. Even if it's waking up and saying "I want X to happen" etc. You'll work towards finding a way to make it happen, no matter how impossible it may seem.

    If a board with visual triggers does this for you, have at it.

    The Secret - well, think of it this way. Your attitude to a large extent determines what paths you choose in life. Which decisions I make. It doesn't take a mystical universal energy flow for this to work. Though the concept of The Secret take things a bit too far into that direction.

    I did have a vision board once, but it was this kind, it's a little different:
  • LOl no not like fight club, some people believe that by thinking positive and visualizing things they will manifest themselves to you. Like I see myself skinny so some how magically I will be skinny. I believe being positive helps but not sure about the secret.

    There's no real magic to it... You don't look at a picture every day, and then magically become the picture. I can't seriously expect to look at a picture of the size 8 me every day on my way to the freezer to eat my daily carton of ice cream, and expect that I'll wake up three sizes smaller tomorrow. But I can put that picture on the freezer to remind me what I'm working for and therefore give myself the focus to only eat one half cup serving of ice cream (or forgo it altogether) in my daily struggle to meet my caloric intake goals.

    It's more about keeping your goals in mind constantly, always WORKING toward them in every decision you make. Attitude is everything. Positivity is everything. But those are everything because that is what gives you the strength to keep working toward your end goal. It's not magic (although I can see where you'd get that from the movie, because it's ridiculously hokey and stretches the idea a bit much). It's work and focus...

    That being said, feel free to post the pictures that represent what you want in places where you see them frequently. It certainly is good to have a frequent reminder of what you're working toward.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Attitude is everything. The more you think positive, good things, the more likely you are to do positive, good things.

    I don't buy in to The Secret per se, but it's like a form of therapy, and I can dig some therapy.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Could someone clarify what 'the secret' is? Or is it like Fight Club?

    !!! First rule, man! First rule! :noway:
  • I've been posting a daily "Secret" on my profile for my friends from the "Daily Teachings" desk pad that some misguided fool bought me.

    As has been stated above, its bollucks. They are rehashing the same basic point (think happy thoughts and you will feel happier) over and over and over again. They also throw in some drivel about "the law of attraction" and "The Universe" and various other insulting drivel, that comes across feeling like a bunch of off their faces hippies wrote while giggling away thinking no one would ever believe and of it.

    The idea that people "want" their loved ones to die and that the reason this happens is because of problems in their mental thinking or that people can get anything they want by "wishing for it" is insulting in the extreme. The ONLY "Daily Teachings" I have agreed with from The Secret have been quotes which have been attributed to Buddha, Gandhi etc. There is nothing new in The Secret and there are certainly no Secrets in it.

    You would be far better off getting a book on NLP and then you will not have to wade through the mystic sounding crap they dole out to you.

    As I say, the people who write the Secret really must be laughing their way to the bank every day another sucker buys their merchandice expecting some miraculous answer to life the Universe and Everything. I'm hoping the last page of this pad at least has the decency to say "42".
  • Attitude is everything. The more you think positive, good things, the more likely you are to do positive, good things.

    I love this!
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    I've been posting a daily "Secret" on my profile for my friends from the "Daily Teachings" desk pad that some misguided fool bought me.

    As has been stated above, its bollucks. They are rehashing the same basic point (think happy thoughts and you will feel happier) over and over and over again. They also throw in some drivel about "the law of attraction" and "The Universe" and various other insulting drivel, that comes across feeling like a bunch of off their faces hippies wrote while giggling away thinking no one would ever believe and of it.

    The idea that people "want" their loved ones to die and that the reason this happens is because of problems in their mental thinking or that people can get anything they want by "wishing for it" is insulting in the extreme. The ONLY "Daily Teachings" I have agreed with from The Secret have been quotes which have been attributed to Buddha, Gandhi etc. There is nothing new in The Secret and there are certainly no Secrets in it.

    You would be far better off getting a book on NLP and then you will not have to wade through the mystic sounding crap they dole out to you.

    As I say, the people who write the Secret really must be laughing their way to the bank every day another sucker buys their merchandice expecting some miraculous answer to life the Universe and Everything. I'm hoping the last page of this pad at least has the decency to say "42".

    ^^^ This is why you're my friend, pirate! Well, that and the burning and pillaging...