Today is the 1st day to a new me!

Hi Everyone! Today is my first day to losing weight and feeling good. I ate below my calories allowed. I also took a zumba class for the first time and loved it. I had so much energy and went sledding with my kids and hubby. I would like to lose 40 pounds by June. Thanks for all your support! Happy New Year!:smile:


  • muneca3216
    Welcome! Today's my first day too. I've been trying for a while to lose this weight, but my stress and job have made it very difficult. We can do this!

    Good luck
  • tcoakley
    Thank you! It is hard to lose weight. My first day back to work after a long vacation. I got up and went to the gym at 5am! Crazy! Weighed myelf today and lost 3 pounds! Cannot believe it! I am on the right track! You will be too! Hang in there!
  • amziebabs
    this is my first day too i have just been to boots and weighed myself, ive set up a mini goal, and also i have bought a book that i can use for a scrap book to help follow my progress, gunna add photos etc to it all so i can then pass it around to help others.