Looking for friends as well to help motivate me


I've just started back on MFP & I figured that this time around I am going to need friends to help motivate me on my weight lose journey. If you are between the ages of 26 to 36 and are about the same weight as me (200lb) & height (5ft 7) and are aiming to be about 160lb or less than add me as a friend and we can work together getting fitter & healthier as well as sharing exercise & food ideas. Hope to hear from you soon.:smile:


  • Christina_BS
    Christina_BS Posts: 7 Member
    I am about your size and weight, but too old :-) I am 42..... and I am first targetting 170. I always set little goals which I am sure I can reach. But obviously I hope that one day I will be at 140 or something like that :-)
    I wish you good luck on your jurney!