HELP! In need of quick breakfasts.



  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I keep a box of my favorite Oatmeal flavors at work. I know people will tell you there is too much sugar in them, but there is protein, and lots of whole grains that keep me filled for hours. I also add in on my heavy workout days a greek yogurt. Breakfast should be your biggest meal!

    ^This! I do this too, but I get the sugar free kind and add stevia if I want it sweet. Also, if you have blueberries or fruit that is washed and prepped the day before, just bring it in a bag to work with you to add to the oatmeal.
    I've also been getting the Emerald's Breakfast on the go. They are pretty tasty, but they are also high in sugar. Hope this helps!
  • tnladyvol
    :smile: bump