Does anyone read while they exercise?



  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    "They wouldn't have to work out as long if they turned the machine up to a rate higher than cruisin and perusin speed. So it would help them, wouldn't it. Since their workout is so boring the need a book to pass the time they could turn the intensity up and get out of the big dull gym that much quicker."

    "I would recommend you stop reading.. personally I feel that people should TRAIN HARD or GO HOME.. motivate to do your best each time and concentrate on your workout!"

    Hmm, judge much from up there on your pedestal? Nice that you just know what someone is about just by comparing them to some arbitrary standard you think they need to meet.

    When I was still recovering from a serious accident, all I could do was walk the treadmill ---yes, holding on ---very slowly. And yes, I read while I was doing it. It wasn't the boredom of the gym ----I was f-g THRILLED that I could walk at all - and it wasn't even to avoid the spectacle of the the preening, pretentious prats showing how much better they thought they were than the rest of us. It was because it was still f-g PAINFUL and reading helped keep my mind off the pain of my physical therapy. So eff u and your self rightous, judgemental bulls**t.
  • cwmw
    cwmw Posts: 30
    would love to do that!!! but i cant' focus on the page whilst moving :(
  • Takarameri
    Takarameri Posts: 152 Member
    I used to read while on the stationary bike. Now I listen to audiobooks while I run.
  • MyIrishSpirit
    MyIrishSpirit Posts: 43 Member
    I experimented this morning. I started the elliptical without the Nook and I was about 3mph and after 5 minutes struggling to pay attention to something other than my sore thighs. So then I put the Nook up and read for the final 15 minutes. I moved it toward the end and I was doing 5mph on it!

    I guess to each his own. For me, it's a better distraction. If I focus too much on numbers I get worn out quicker. If I focus on a book the time flies. I'm sure when I'm able to actually run I won't want a book anymore but for now it's keeping me working out and I lost another 3 lbs. Up to 9lbs total! Wheee!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    "They wouldn't have to work out as long if they turned the machine up to a rate higher than cruisin and perusin speed. So it would help them, wouldn't it. Since their workout is so boring the need a book to pass the time they could turn the intensity up and get out of the big dull gym that much quicker."

    "I would recommend you stop reading.. personally I feel that people should TRAIN HARD or GO HOME.. motivate to do your best each time and concentrate on your workout!"

    Hmm, judge much from up there on your pedestal? Nice that you just know what someone is about just by comparing them to some arbitrary standard you think they need to meet.

    When I was still recovering from a serious accident, all I could do was walk the treadmill ---yes, holding on ---very slowly. And yes, I read while I was doing it. It wasn't the boredom of the gym ----I was f-g THRILLED that I could walk at all - and it wasn't even to avoid the spectacle of the the preening, pretentious prats showing how much better they thought they were than the rest of us. It was because it was still f-g PAINFUL and reading helped keep my mind off the pain of my physical therapy. So eff u and your self rightous, judgemental bulls**t.

    That's weird. I guess you didn't read the part about people with physical impairments doing whatever tey can manage. You know, people like myself when I was recovering from my own acl and mcl reconstruction. Or like me, when i was rehabbing from the time i severed my Achilles? I guess when you're not working out your powers of reading comprehension become severely limited? But that's ok. At least you manage to classy thru it all.

    I offered a suggestion based upon years of personal experience. You offer F*** You. I suggested trying something different for a while to see if your fitness results improve. You offer that any opinion that doesn't validate yours is judgemental bull****. Where many people have plateaus, I have results. I believe that's because I up my intensity at every opportunity. Since the OP was asking for people's experiences and opinion's, I gave mine. Well, I guess you gave yours too. Its just that I usually dont find Go **** Yourself to be helpful advice.

    If you don't like hearing differing opinions, I'd suggest avoiding Internet discussion forums. Whoops! I think I just offered more advice. I know, I know, I'll go eff myself.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I listen to audio books on my mp3 player.
  • Jessicapages1
    Jessicapages1 Posts: 114 Member
    Nope I am working out to hard to read a book. :)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I used to until I started doing HIIT which leaves my hands sweaty! :laugh:

    Some say it's less effective to read or listen to stuff or watch TV while exercising. Frankly, if I didn't listen to audio books, then sitting on the sofa is less effective still...
  • sandilee27
    sandilee27 Posts: 27 Member
    I have tried that but found it awkward so now I listen to audible books on my Kindle.
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    I couldn't be bothered with books, because they always flipped and stuff. Easy-peasy on the kindle. I read about 1-3 books a week this way.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    My workouts are lifting weights and kickboxing and boxing, no chance to read.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I listen to music or half-watch tv or my other half play the xbox. I can't read while lifting and I need more concentration on the elliptical.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I read only when I'm on the bike at the gym..... nothing else allows for it..... I don't see how people do it on the treadmill - maybe if you're walking, but I mostly run now so it isn't really condusive.... and the elliptical, can't read while on that... I usually just listen to music, occasionally will watch tv.
  • karenmohr
    karenmohr Posts: 1 Member
    I read all the time on the machines at the gym. My fiancee can't understand how I do It but I like to read while exercising and I do still get in a good workout. I average 660 calories an hour which I think is a good pace. You have to do what your comfortable with, if you feel the workout was good and you are getting results that is all that counts! So enjoy those books.
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    I read only when I'm on the bike at the gym..... nothing else allows for it.....

    This. And I only use the bikes when I'm feeling lazy but want to do 'something'.
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    Yup, I read my kindle when I'm on the exercise bike!!
  • ABrideToBE
    ABrideToBE Posts: 94 Member
    Yes! it gets me through the grueling workout faster... the craziest thing I have done while on the treadmill is crafting. I had a glue gun and strips of felt. I was making felt flowers. hahaha.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I used to use the ellipital trainer (I think! Called cross trainers over here but I think it's the same thing). I had time and distance targets. There was no way I would ever have stayed on the machine if I hadn't been reading a book, I really struggle with boredom on cardio machines.

    I might not have been working out to my max, but that wasn't really the point for me. I was working plenty hard enough and I got good results.

    Currently I only lift weights at the gym, partly because the design of trainers doesn't have anywwhere to prop a book. I'm think of investing in a kindle...
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    No. I've got my music kranked up to full blast. Reading doesn't motivate me to have a proper work out. I read before I go to bed. Same goes for TV.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I used to, but then realized that I wasn't really working hard enough if I was able to read while on the bike.

    ^ This.

    Exactly. I'd rather work really hard and get out of the gym quick than spend hours noodling around at an able to read pace.