Pencil thin :/

I have come to realize that I will never be one of those pencil thin girl that can look great in anything. I have curves. I look like a woman, not a 12 year old boy. When I first decided to lose weight, I wanted to be real thin. Like Taylor Swift thin. But the reality is that I will probably look more like Jordin Sparks after her weight loss(she looks amazing btw... if you haven't seen the pics, check um out!). I had this picture in my head of what I thought my husband would think was sexy or attractive. But in reality, he said that a woman with an hour-glass figure is much more attractive to him. He told me that I am beautiful already, and that if I feel unhappy with my body then by all means do something about it, but that he fell in love with my personality, and no matter which way the scale goes, it doesn't change how he feels about me.

But, at this point it's not solely about my appearance anymore. I want to be a healthier me.... for me, for my kids, for my family. It's hard work. Every day. To fight that food temptation when I'm bored or upset. I have to remind myself constantly, "Instead of eating that crap when you're upset, go play with the kids and put yourself in a better mood instead of relying on that cupcake to do it for you." And I feel lucky that I have found a venue to vent where people are going through the same thing that I am.

Did anyone else have unrealistic expectations in the beginning of their weight loss journey? Is there anyone else out there that is having trouble with emotional eating?


  • got2bstrong
    I have come to realize that I will never be one of those pencil thin girl that can look great in anything. I have curves. I look like a woman, not a 12 year old boy. When I first decided to lose weight, I wanted to be real thin. Like Taylor Swift thin. But the reality is that I will probably look more like Jordin Sparks after her weight loss(she looks amazing btw... if you haven't seen the pics, check um out!). I had this picture in my head of what I thought my husband would think was sexy or attractive. But in reality, he said that a woman with an hour-glass figure is much more attractive to him. He told me that I am beautiful already, and that if I feel unhappy with my body then by all means do something about it, but that he fell in love with my personality, and no matter which way the scale goes, it doesn't change how he feels about me.

    But, at this point it's not solely about my appearance anymore. I want to be a healthier me.... for me, for my kids, for my family. It's hard work. Every day. To fight that food temptation when I'm bored or upset. I have to remind myself constantly, "Instead of eating that crap when you're upset, go play with the kids and put yourself in a better mood instead of relying on that cupcake to do it for you." And I feel lucky that I have found a venue to vent where people are going through the same thing that I am.

    Did anyone else have unrealistic expectations in the beginning of their weight loss journey? Is there anyone else out there that is having trouble with emotional eating?

    As a girl that grew up pencil thin, and now considers herself a "rectangle", I will never understand you curvy girls hating on your curves!! I will NEVER have a great curvy body without drastic surgical intervention. As i get older, er, wiser, I see there is a lot of beauty in all shapes and sizes. Rock what you've got!!!!!

    and this: " I want to be a healthier me.... for me, for my kids, for my family. It's hard work."
    Healthy is underrated!!!

    I am guilty of eating when bored... such an easy trap. Now, instead of eat, I walk. Or lift weights. Or drink water.

    Good luck to you and remember: ROCK WHAT YOU'VE GOT!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member

    Wish there were clappy hands because I applaud you!! So many women (and men) have unrealistic ideas of the "perfect" body. However, many fail to realize their body composition will not allow them to be "Taylor Swift" or the like. Some women have a booty, or breasts, or broad shoulders or.....the list goes on and on and on. Well done for realizing you are unique and what is good for you may not be good for me or the next girl.

    HEALTHY is the key word!! Get healthy. Reduce processed junk, eat more from the earth (veggies, fruits, nuts, etc), move more and above all else LOVE YOURSELF.

    I've never been pencil thin nor have I ever been the definition of "curvy" - I'm just well.... ME. Good luck on your journey and well done on your success (mentally and physically)
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I agree. Im never gonna be thin, or skinny or little. Hells bells Im 6' with shoulders of a linebacker and the legs of a marathon runner. Not only THAT!! BUT.....Im about the cutest damn thing there is. Chubby but incredibly damn cute :blushing: I usta envy the model pretty girls. (I hate Taylor Swiftkisckintheass fyi...she's buckwheat ugly in my book). But I digress.

    I just wanna be healthier...I wanna breathe better......I wanna move better....I wanna do more and do that there hasta be less of me to do it.

    Congrats to all of us on this journey
  • Cbarrese86
    I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. I was pencil thin as a kid too, and now I've been told I have "abnormally large" hips..... which is sooo totally off base btw cuz I have a 38" waist, but whatever. On a positive note, I have lost a good amount of weight recently AND I found a bunch of healthier recipies to make for me and my family AND I am reconditioning myself to not go straight for the crap stuff when I shop, just cuz it's easier to prepair! Growing up, I never really had "home cooked" meals. It was always something from a box, so that's all I knew how to make (NOT bashing my mom at ALL... she had a full time job, 3 kids, and my step-dad was paralized from the neck down... she had her hands full). Now, I'm actually enjoying natural flavors and no preservitives or sugars, and I gotta say I'm pretty proud of myself!