Delicious Veggie Stir Fry

Oh my gosh I think I just made the most delicious stir fry I’ve ever had! Here’s the recipe if you are interested. It makes a HEAPING plate full of nutrition for only 315 calories. I use a kitchen scale when I cook, so all measurements are exact in grams – no need to be so stringent in your recipe!

26g Garlic, finely chopped
22g Ginger, finely chopped
102g Mini Peppers (Costco mix, Red, Orange and Yellow)
38g Bok Choy, chopped
100g Fennel stalks and tops, sliced
23g Kale, sliced using scissors
136g Sweet White Onion
21g Jalapeno Peppers, chopped
1 Table spoon Olive Oil, plus some Pam cooking spray
Crushed Red Pepper
Curry Powder (Turmeric, Mustard, Coriander, Salt, Ginger, Cumin)
Ground Nutmeg
Fresh ground Black Pepper
Sea Salt

I find I can use a lot less oil if I mix in a little bit of Pam. Olive oil tends to pool in the pan, but Pam gives you even coverage. Coat the bottom of the pan with Pam cooking spray. When the oil heats up sprinkle the chopped garlic. When you see the garlic is bubbling, add in a little bit of olive oil.
When the garlic starts to brown sprinkle in the ginger and let it all fry until the garlic is golden.
Add the mini peppers and stir so the garlic is no longer getting the brunt of the heat.
This is where I add the ground black pepper. I avoid adding it earlier where it would soak up too much of the oil, but I want it in as early as possible so that it contributes more flavor to the end result.
After about a minute, stir the mixture and add the bok choy.
This is where I add the crushed red peppers. The earlier you and them, the more heat they will contribute to the end result.
After about another 30 seconds, stir the mixture again and add the fennel.
You probably need to add some more olive oil at this point
Continue to stir fry for a bit and then add the Kale and fold the mixture or so the Kale is on the bottom.
Add the curry and nutmeg at this time. Sometimes I add cinnamon here too. I like to wait until after the Kale goes in as it seems to get better coverage that way.
Add the onions and the jalapenos. The later you add the jalapenos, the hotter and more flavorful they will be. Add them earlier if you are concerned that the dish will be too hot.
When you are satisfied with the state of the onions, turn off the heat. Add a little bit of sea salt (optional) and stir again. At this stage I often use the spatula to scrape the bottom of the pan to get the spices back into the veggie mix.

Scrape the entire contents onto a plate and chow down.

For (a lot of) extra calories and an intense flavor, fold in 2 or 3 table spoons of Adams crunchy peanut butter. It will melt into the mixture and impart a deeply satisfying dimension to the fullness factor.