Too many Calories left at end of day

I have a question related to the sticky on exercise calories - you say that if we eat too many carbs and fat than we need (in one go), then it is stored as fat. Does that mean that if we eat most of our exercise calories as protein, even in one go, it will not get stored as fat.

I'll tell you why I ask - i have a suggested calories of 1900 for losing2 pounds a week. I have pretty much eaten that today. However, I have done 1300 calories worth of exercise today. If I eat all that as carbs, according to the sticky, I will store the undigested part as fat. Dose that mean I could eat, for example, 1300 calories worth of chicken breast, or quorn, it would not store as fat, but get processed some other way. Or maybe a massive protein shake.

Opinions anyone??


  • iwatts3519
    iwatts3519 Posts: 46 Member
    Cmon guys - am I better off making up my deficit with just protein, or a good mix?
  • BobbieJoDever
    I would make a protein shake, those cabs can weigh you down.
  • robism
    protein is the answer carbs will be stored as fat
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Try not to get wrapped up in the details, just keep your protein high day to day, eat your calories whenever you want
    It'll all even out in the end
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    protein is the answer carbs will be stored as fat

    Oh yeah and don't listen to this guy
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you are at a calorie deficit, nothing will be stored as fat. Do not worry about over-complicating it with intra-day meal or macronutrient timing as they are irrelevant. Just hit your calorie and macros on a daily basis as well as possible.
  • iwatts3519
    iwatts3519 Posts: 46 Member
    When you way 125 KG I am sure the basics of it will all work out in the end are true. It's just getting to the end of the day and still having 1300 calories to eat seems a bit silly. Maybe I need to eat more throughout the day and plan not to end up in this situation?
  • iwatts3519
    iwatts3519 Posts: 46 Member
    protein is the answer carbs will be stored as fat

    Oh yeah and don't listen to this guy

    I don't want to ignore him - he looks mean :happy:
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    protein is the answer carbs will be stored as fat

    Oh yeah and don't listen to this guy

    I don't want to ignore him - he looks mean :happy:

    I bet you can take him....
  • migranny100
    migranny100 Posts: 4 Member
    This brings a question to mind. Are we supposed to eat at least a portion of our exercise calories each day? I haven't been eating any of my exercise calories thinking that would allow me to lose more weight but I've been at a plateau for over 4 weeks.
  • iwatts3519
    iwatts3519 Posts: 46 Member
    That's probably why - eat at least some of them, if not all.
  • ThatDarnZach
    ThatDarnZach Posts: 52 Member
    If you know you're going to be doing a hard workout later in the day, plan to eat more earlier so that you can wake up your metabolism and you won't end up with a huge deficit at the end of the day. If you know you're going to work out and then only want a light protein snack to refuel afterwards, eat over your calorie goal in the morning and then work down to goal or small deficit.

    That's the way I sometimes do it because I hate having to scrounge around my kitchen at night after a workout trying to come up with a way to fill my macros and not end up with a huge deficit at the end of the day.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    When you way 125 KG I am sure the basics of it will all work out in the end are true. It's just getting to the end of the day and still having 1300 calories to eat seems a bit silly. Maybe I need to eat more throughout the day and plan not to end up in this situation?

    Youv'e got it - planning is the key. Eat a variety of foods, don't overthink it!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    You will get differing views on eating back exercise calories, so its down to what works for you. I am one of those that eats back c80% of my exercise calories, and it has worked well for me. Also, just make sure you eat a balanced diet, carbs are important to your diet, just try not to eat too many.
  • iwatts3519
    iwatts3519 Posts: 46 Member
    protein is the answer carbs will be stored as fat

    Oh yeah and don't listen to this guy

    I don't want to ignore him - he looks mean :happy:

    I bet you can take him....

    I'll try and scare him with an angry face :mad:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    This brings a question to mind. Are we supposed to eat at least a portion of our exercise calories each day? I haven't been eating any of my exercise calories thinking that would allow me to lose more weight but I've been at a plateau for over 4 weeks.
    If you are using MFP to calculate your daily calorie allowance, then yes, the base allowance is low, it assumed you will eat extra when you exercise to reach your recommended daily calorie intake.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Fact of the matter is, carbs fats and proteins can and will be stored as fat. However it is about calories in vs calories out that counts most. Simply put, if your burning more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. If your eating more than you burn, you will gain weight. Regardless of where those calories come from. My suggestion is to never just eat from one source of food....always combine some sort of protein with your carbs ( that will help limit the insulin spike carbs give-which can increase fat storage ) and eat a healthy fat along with the two other macro nutrients. If by the end of the night you are still to low on calories a good protein shake would be great-especially right before you go to sleep-that will help with recovery.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    A calorie isn`t always a calorie, but protein takes longer to digest and will work better as a calorie. Everything you digest has a calorie content, maybe try to make them the ones that are going to take a little longer to work through and keep you fuller for longer?

    Then you can work to the next high protein meal?

    IMO if you are going to have carbs what works for me is protein and carbs in the morning...then move on as the day goes on with less carbs. Fat and proteins at lunch and then protein at dinner with some snacky stuff in between, but this is what works for me in a let me give you my advice type of way lol
  • iwatts3519
    iwatts3519 Posts: 46 Member
    If you know you're going to be doing a hard workout later in the day, plan to eat more earlier so that you can wake up your metabolism and you won't end up with a huge deficit at the end of the day. If you know you're going to work out and then only want a light protein snack to refuel afterwards, eat over your calorie goal in the morning and then work down to goal or small deficit.

    That's the way I sometimes do it because I hate having to scrounge around my kitchen at night after a workout trying to come up with a way to fill my macros and not end up with a huge deficit at the end of the day.
    This seems sensible - spread it out more. I will try....
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    Maybe I need to eat more throughout the day and plan not to end up in this situation?
