getting discouraged

These plateaus are driving me nuts, I was stuck 184 for the longest time, then finally got to 179 and was ecstatic. Then almost over night back up 184 and i cannot shake it.

I know it has to be water because pounds don't pile on that fast but it's so bloody discouraging.

I've been bike riding huge distances and uphill, i've been doing my gazelle, I work 8 hours a day and according to my new fitbit, on a slow day I walk upwards of 3-4 miles there. I should be doing enough exercise to at least lose a pound a week, but nope, i gain 4 or 5. Okay true, i faltered this weekend finally, but then i worked out extra, so I know i didn't eat 14000 worth of calories in the last 2 weeks to pack on 4 pounds.

How depressing. :p


  • BamaGirl777
    Are you drinking all of your water and watching your sodium? I can't see your food diary, so I can't tell on there.
  • tellascott
    I am drinking all my water but i admit, the sodium has been in there. You cannot buy anything not loaded down with sodium any more, so I've started drinking tons of dandelion leaf tea in hopes of clearing some of it out. Onto day 3 of that and i have some electrolyte supplements from the health food place to try and even those out. Plus cayenne pepper and green tea and apple cider vinegar supplements. I'm desperate, figure if exercise doesn't work ill fill up on supplements.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I know it doesn't help to hear this but it probably is water. You said you faltered this weekend so you probably had a bit too much sodium, add to that the fact that you have been working your legs really hard (uphill rides etc) not only are you retaining water in general because of the extra sodium, but your leg muscles are retaining water as they heal. Even though they may not feel sore and because they are some of the biggest muscles in the body they can really pack in the pounds.

    This happened to me me recently. So drink lots of extra water, maybe take a rest day and for me a good epsum salt soak helps with this. I did the same thing 2 weeks straight and betweeen cheat days and tough workouts I didn't lose a pound I was about to give up, the last 3 weeks but finally today the scale moved. So just keep going! You can do it!
  • tellascott
    Ohhh, I had no idea working your muscles held water in them as well. That's a good thing to know, it makes it a bit more encouraging. I'm doing the right things and i know even the salt intake is from fish and deluxe mixed nuts which gives great nutrients but kills you with the salt. It makes it a bit more hopeful. :)
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I know I have been reading up on this lately. So many people bicker about building muscle when you start a new exercise program and finally it clicked. I'm not actually building muscles but I'm working them harder than I ever have and apparetly my muscles think they are helping by retaining water. lol I can't remember if they are using it to help recover or cushioning them for the next workout. The good news is eventually they get used to it and let go of the extra water.

    **I am not an expert and this is all just what a think and what I recall form all my own reading a searching so don't take it as the gospel truth...and if there is an expert reading this that can explain what I'm trying to say better or more correctly please do! =)