


  • justinCdavis
    ik that one of them is only 16 to 17 minutes im guessing all of them r under 30 minutes.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I'm on the very last week of Insanity. I have INCREDIBLE endurance now, but if I had to do the last 7 weeks over again, I would have incorporated some strength training in with it. I didn't lose any weight, but that is because I didn't follow a great diet plan. I assumed that working out that hard would burn tons of calories; it does, but that doesn't give you free reign to eat whatever you want. I am now doing Insanity and P90X as well as tweaking my diet, so we will see what results I have from this. As for soreness, I could barely move the first week and could hardly make it through the workout; I thought I was going to die! Don't overdo in the first couple weeks, and pay attention to your heartrate!! And don't stop! Doing the Insanity program will get you in AMAZING shape! I am so glad I stuck with it!! Good luck to you dear :wink:
  • alittlemopo
    alittlemopo Posts: 91 Member
    You guys are inspiring me!!! How long are the workouts each day?

    The first four weeks most of the workouts including the warm up and stretching are about 40 mins. The Cardio Abs is about 20 minutes. I know month two workouts are longer, I have not gotten that far yet.
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Thank you :) Maybe I can swing this!! I love a good challenge!!
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Im doing an Insanity/P90X hybrid right now. I love it! My calves were so sore the first few days too! Im not too sore anymore and Im on week 6, day 4. I think when Im done with this Im just going to do Insanity by itself. Its so intense though! I cant imagine doing those cardio workouts back to back. :/
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    ik that one of them is only 16 to 17 minutes im guessing all of them r under 30 minutes.

    No, they aren't. The Cardio Abs is the one that is about 15 mins long. The first month ones are over 30 minutes and the second month ones are 60 minutes, and a few are around 45 minutes.
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Love it-- did one complete round last summer/fall-- now I use it as the cardio segment with other programs-- p90x or lifting - just started a new hybrid a couple of days ago-- my results from my first complete round are below:

    Did you fallow the eating plan as well? My husband is doing it with me and is soooo close to getting abs but so far has not seen any results. Were not really fallowing a meal plan, just eating right and watching portions. How did you get so lean?
  • bris0701
    I started Monday and I must say Insanity has been the most intense workout I’ve ever done. My calves are killing me but every day it gets a little better. I’m only hoping that by this time next week I won’t be sore. I did the recovery dvd this morning and it’s a small break from the first three videos. Don’t get me wrong it’s still tough for stretching as he calls it but it was a much needed break =D

    Good luck! You can do it you just got to dig deep ;)

    Tip for the females: As crazy as it may sound wearing heals helps ease the pain on your calves. Well at least for me it does, it’s worth a try.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I downloaded it form the internet.

    Does anyone know the schedule of what workout you do and when?

    Sorry to state the obvious but this REALLY annoys me. It is stealing- pure and simple. If everybody did this, these workouts would not be produced anymore. What makes you feel it is OK to do this?
  • enjvanbeb
    You guys are inspiring me!!! How long are the workouts each day?

    30-45 minutes is all.
  • enjvanbeb
    I started Monday and I must say Insanity has been the most intense workout I’ve ever done. My calves are killing me but every day it gets a little better. I’m only hoping that by this time next week I won’t be sore. I did the recovery dvd this morning and it’s a small break from the first three videos. Don’t get me wrong it’s still tough for stretching as he calls it but it was a much needed break =D

    Good luck! You can do it you just got to dig deep ;)

    Tip for the females: As crazy as it may sound wearing heals helps ease the pain on your calves. Well at least for me it does, it’s worth a try.

    So excited to see another person on the same workout as me! Helps motivate me even more. Love it! I loved the recovery today. I still sweat like crazy. But it hurt so good. haha! I don't think I own a pair of heels.
  • ShanM0593
    I'm on my 2nd Round of Insanity. Week 1 Day 4. It's an awesome workout, with great results! Some days are hard to stay motivated, but for me it was just pushing through. By the end of the first phase of the warm up I was into it and feeling much better about doing it!

    Good Luck!
  • ajacobs26
    The workouts for month one are around 40 minutes, month two is around 55 or so. Not long at all! Once your done you feel incredible! I did mine in the morning and it helped my days get off to a good start!