Makeup junkie favorites, share yours!



  • gabeej
    Powder: MSF in medium
    Bronzer: Benefit Hoola
    Highlight/luminizer: So far; Benefit Hi-beam, but I haven't tried many
    Eyeshadow: tough one. Jest or Woodwinked by MAC
    Liquid eyeliner: Body Shop, laugh it up, it's amazing!
    Gel liner: MAC blacktrack fluidline. Honourable mention: Dark Diversion MAC
    Kohl liner: Lancome
    Eyeshadow Primer: 2Faced Shadown Insurance
    Concealer: Landome
    Mascara: Haven't found the one I will never go without yet. Right now I am using BAD GAL lash
    Lipliner: don't really have one
    Lipgloss: Not very picky, I like MACs underage
    Blush: MAC Mocha (I will never be without this stuff)
    Lipstick: GOSH Darling as well as Revlon Really Red
    Makeup brush: MAC 139