I am looking for a walking buddy..

Hey there I am looking for a walking buddy!
I have lost all motivation to excersize and I think having a partner in crime could really be a blessing.
Let me know if your interested..


  • louiesa55
    louiesa55 Posts: 35 Member
    most days i walk 5 miles (monday-saturday) in am than in the pm (4 days) i walk 2 miles a day with a group of women we have a lot of fun. in the moring i walk by my self not as fun:glasses:
  • JenJen0932
    JenJen0932 Posts: 34 Member
    I walk a minimum of 8. 5km every weekday before work (yep, I am out there at 6 am!), and every weekend I hill climb and hike around 12km or more. I am down 96.5 pounds with this so far, so yeah, I am happy to talk about walking! And I actually like walking alone - well, with my sweet puppy - and my iPod. No one to wait for or to give me an excuse not to go. :)
  • louiesa55
    louiesa55 Posts: 35 Member
    sorry about not posting my walks just learn how so try to do better haven't walked the past 2 days been down with a cold