new:)) trying to lose weight!

HI:) im new to myfitnesspal and im trying to lose 90lbs! but my first goal right now is to lose 30 before my birthday in december! im 5'2 and has been struggling with my weight ever since i was younger. Im trying to find the right diet plan that i can stick to and not get bored with. i would love any suggestions and motivations as i begin this journey! plssss add me as a friend<3


  • TheBigDog923
    The best advice I can give is to start slow, and give yourself a chance to build some momentum. For a lot of people, if you try to do too much all at once, there's a tendency to give up when it's too hard. Stay focused, stay dedicated, and you'll get there.

    Feel free to add me if you like. Good luck.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    I agree with what was said. Baby steps.. I'm 5'3.5 . I'm trying to lose 63lbs. Hopefully 15-20 before my birthday in Nov. :) Just like you I've always struggled with my weight. Don't deprive yourself of things a lot of people do that and end up getting off track. First try just portioning out a lot of stuff your use to eating and over time if it nots good for you you'll drop it. Good luck on your journey!
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am 5'1". Start small, think baby steps. Eggs or yogurt for breakfast are good or even some Kashi cereal with skim milk. Stick with lean meats like chicken, turkey and fish for lunch or dinner. Eat lots of veggies. What I find helps is to use hummus as a dip for my veggies. When eating bread eat whole grain instead of the white stuff.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Hey, I'm also 5'2 (and three-quarters - I gotta take everything I can get, lol)! You got this. I would advise you to revise your initial goal to maybe 15 pounds for your birthday, though; there's only 12-15 weeks between now and then, and if you go from not dieting/exercising at all, to suddenly eating 1200 calories a day and working out 4+ days a week, then you're likely to get discouraged. It's a major change you're making, here, and it takes some time to adjust--break old habits, form new ones, that sort of thing. 30 pounds in 12 weeks is a lot, and it's not likely to be a realistic goal.

    I only say this because I've been there, and it's so easy to lose steam when you're not seeing progress as fast as you'd like. Or when you start dropping the pounds really fast at first (it happens, and most of what you've lost is likely water, not fat), but suddenly you slow down a lot. Logically you may know that, while you lost 5 pounds last week and only half a pound this week, 4 1/2 of those pounds were water...but it's still discouraging to see what looks like fantastic progress suddenly stall. This isn't a race; it's a lifestyle change. You didn't gain those 90 extra pounds overnight, and you're not gonna lose them that fast, either. Personally, I've been at this for more than two years, and you can see in my ticker how far I've come. 69 pounds is nothing to sneeze at, sure, but like I said, I've been at this for a very long time.