Running question - achey shins?



  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Thank you all for the responses. I don't think it's shin splints - the pain is nothing like I've heard shin splints described - but I will go for a gait analysis as soon as I can afford to.

    When you get fitted, explain your budget restriction to the employee at the running store. They can help you find a shoe that works for you and then maybe you can find it online cheaper? My friend had her analysis done recently and then found last year's version of the shoe she needed for half the cost.

    I will keep that in mind, thank you :)

    Don't forget about the miracle of ice. Your muscles around your shin bones take time to develop - unfortunately. The only way to develop those muscles is by running.

    If you absolutely can't afford new shoes, then atleast look for somewhere to run that will be easy on your legs...concrete is the worst. Asphalt is not far behind. Look for trails that are safe, or a rubber track (area schools). This will help minimize the impact will allowing you to build those muscles.

    Ice atleast 3 times a day to reduce inflammation.

    When should I be icing? It doesn't hurt all the time, it's just random aches - should I ice if it's not hurting as a matter of routine?
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    Good info from others. I also found that not drinking enough water prior to a run could cause shin splints & ankle pain. That doesnt mean to pound down 48 oz right before, of course, but up to 90 minutes before. Good luck.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I get "Tweaks and creaks" in my knees, calves, shins all the time. They do not cripple me - just a dull ache. I have yet to get a new pair of shoes (been running since march 20k in june, 1/2 marathon coming in october). Usually after the next run, things start to feel better. I just get rest after a big run and stretch and hydrate the best I can. Ive had aches along the length of my shins also but was gone after two days. I think shin splints are "REAL NASTY" and you would not be able to run or jump without big time pain.

    This is pretty much me. It seems as if something hurts for a mile or two. This morning it was cold (45F), and that made it worse. At 54, it is pretty much part of the territory. I have great, well fitted shoes.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Do you run on a treadmill, if so do you do it on an incline? I've found that usually causes shin splits for me. If you run outside try running on the grass vs concrete. It's better for your joints...and shin splints. Also, I'd take it easy for a few days at least. Sounds like you keep it up. Try doing some biking for cardio instead of running for a week or so. Let it rest. I'd just be careful. Take it from someone who knows, DON'T keep doing things with an injury. I learned that the hard way...several times. It bites you in the butt later on. I'm too stubborn to listen.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I started running in Jan. C25K and tthe shoes (as others have said) made a difference. I have flat feet and wear Asics Foundation ($99). I know it is a lot, and I didn't want to spend that much either, BUT it was worth every penney. I take good care of them and only wear them for running. My shin aches went away after a few days of wearing them. Massaging them also helped until I got the shoes.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I get horrible shin debilitating ones where I walk with a limp for days. Then mine take weeks to heal. I have tried ice, stretching, rolling them with a rolling pin and I had my gait checked. The gal who watched me at the store said I needed a high stability shoe so I gave them a try with some inserts as well. Two hundred and some change later, I tried running with the new shoes but the shin splints came right back. Then I tried a new pair of shoes that had little to nothing in support....I got some Nike Frees on sale at the Nike outlet. It's basically a minimalist shoe and you feel almost barefoot. Honestly, I got mine because they were cute and I had no intention of ever running in them...and then I tried running. OMG-there was no pain! It was a miracle. I have also read articles about marathon runners finishing races barefoot. Everyone is different...but I am so glad I tried these shoes. I might even try some of those funky vibrams in the future. I’m still a crappy runner...but at least my shins aren’t on fire.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Good info from others. I also found that not drinking enough water prior to a run could cause shin splints & ankle pain. That doesnt mean to pound down 48 oz right before, of course, but up to 90 minutes before. Good luck.

    I drink a lot of water, so I don't think it's hydration, but thank you :)

    I get "Tweaks and creaks" in my knees, calves, shins all the time. They do not cripple me - just a dull ache. I have yet to get a new pair of shoes (been running since march 20k in june, 1/2 marathon coming in october). Usually after the next run, things start to feel better. I just get rest after a big run and stretch and hydrate the best I can. Ive had aches along the length of my shins also but was gone after two days. I think shin splints are "REAL NASTY" and you would not be able to run or jump without big time pain.

    This is pretty much me. It seems as if something hurts for a mile or two. This morning it was cold (45F), and that made it worse. At 54, it is pretty much part of the territory. I have great, well fitted shoes.

    These both sound about the same as me, but my husband who is the same age as I am never aches after he runs. He is also not overweight and used to run, so he thinks it's just my body getting used to it, but still - it had him worried.

    Do you run on a treadmill, if so do you do it on an incline? I've found that usually causes shin splits for me. If you run outside try running on the grass vs concrete. It's better for your joints...and shin splints. Also, I'd take it easy for a few days at least. Sounds like you keep it up. Try doing some biking for cardio instead of running for a week or so. Let it rest. I'd just be careful. Take it from someone who knows, DON'T keep doing things with an injury. I learned that the hard way...several times. It bites you in the butt later on. I'm too stubborn to listen.

    I run outside, a mix of dirt/grass/sidewalks - I don't run on the road and I don't have a treadmill. I'd say my run is about 50/50 sidewalks versus other softer surfaces?

    I get horrible shin debilitating ones where I walk with a limp for days. Then mine take weeks to heal. I have tried ice, stretching, rolling them with a rolling pin and I had my gait checked. The gal who watched me at the store said I needed a high stability shoe so I gave them a try with some inserts as well. Two hundred and some change later, I tried running with the new shoes but the shin splints came right back. Then I tried a new pair of shoes that had little to nothing in support....I got some Nike Frees on sale at the Nike outlet. It's basically a minimalist shoe and you feel almost barefoot. Honestly, I got mine because they were cute and I had no intention of ever running in them...and then I tried running. OMG-there was no pain! It was a miracle. I have also read articles about marathon runners finishing races barefoot. Everyone is different...but I am so glad I tried these shoes. I might even try some of those funky vibrams in the future. I’m still a crappy runner...but at least my shins aren’t on fire.

    Ouch! I had shin splints once when I first started working out - mostly because I went from never working out to working out a lot and my shins didn't keep up - but wow, that sounds so painful! Mine were never that bad; I stopped doing cardio barefoot and iced after cardio and they healed.

    I started running in Jan. C25K and tthe shoes (as others have said) made a difference. I have flat feet and wear Asics Foundation ($99). I know it is a lot, and I didn't want to spend that much either, BUT it was worth every penney. I take good care of them and only wear them for running. My shin aches went away after a few days of wearing them. Massaging them also helped until I got the shoes.

    All right, all right - I am sold! :) I will figure out how to get this into the budget. I had been thinking of joining a gym for the winter so I'd have access to a treadmill and free weights - maybe I'll just not do that and get fitted instead.
  • peachhunting
    peachhunting Posts: 59 Member
    East Bay shoes has great prices on non current shoes. Check there.