Hate New Job :(

I worked my previous job as an office manager for 9 mos. I quit that job because i "thought" I had a better opportunity at larger company as a call center rep. ( I only took it because i thoguht there would be room for advancement). I now don't think there would be and found out there is a high turnover, and I absolutely hate it. I am underemployed, I've only been there for 2 weeks. I am wanting to quit so I can focus on getting a job that will utilize my skills more, I have been getting a lot of calls lately for interviews but I can't do them all due to my work schedule. Should I quit and focus on myself and what makes me happy? I am 24 w/ no debt and a bit of money saved up. I also live at home. I just feel like I'm dumbing myself down with the position I'm doing and the pay i'm receiving, I'd rather be unemployed. Just looking to find some opinions of people, thanks :)


  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    If you still live at home and you're parents will back you in case something goes wrong (financially), then I say drop the job and find what really suits you. And if you like the old job you had, you can always ask them if you can return. Worst they can do is say no. That is if the position isn't filled. And who knows, they might have a different opening elsewhere in the company. This job is keeping you from other jobs that could be "the one". Drop it.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    You should never work at a job you dislike. If you have support then by all means quit ( but give notice ) and find something you like. I am currently out of work and have debits ( mortgage, utilities, etc. ) so its not so easy for me. Go for it.