You Are Your Own Gym

So I decided to start You Are Your Own Gym tonight. I decided to take the advice that some have given on getting a Pull-up bar. I just bought it today, so I didn't put it up yet (I bought the mounted kind, but it is supposed to be adjustable). Decided to give W1W1 a shot using the furniture. Ouch. I guess let me skip back a sec and say, Workout 1 is Ladders, with the exercises being: Elevated Push-ups, Let Me Ins, Seated Dips and Let Me Ups. Ok, back to the furniture.. I decided to just do Let Me Ups in place of the Let Me Ins (because I refuse to ruin my hinges) with my arms in one of the different positions mentioned in the book. Ack, my poor tailbone. I got through the first three exercises, but I couldn't take it on the fourth. Killed my tailbone letting myself down in between sets to press the button on my phone (I got the app for timers and such). The Pull-up bar is definitely going up tomorrow... Also, I decided to wear my HRM during this attempt. I am slightly let down.. I know its not cardio and all that, but 17 calories... uh, what?

There isn't really a point to this, except to vent. Thanks all :huh:

Edited for spelling