The day after you have fudged up your whole diet.



  • ahubbard134
    ahubbard134 Posts: 61 Member
    I just started the 7 day average idea. I screwed up real bad this Saturday. which ended up with me having only a 250 calorie deficit for the week. When you think of it like that, and it doesn't happen very often, it's not the end of the world. Still a deficit, at least!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Yeah, that's why I'm not on a diet. I'm doing the "lifestyle change" thing.

    Which means, I know that I will have bad days here and there. And I know I'm gonna eat some crap food now and then. All of that is ok. Because, that's life. It doesn't work out the way we plan/want it to sometimes.

    So, you can either be defeated, or you can suck it up and make better choices tomorrow. Hopefully, you know what choice would be more sensible.
  • GreenEyedMama
    I heard this recently (Jillian Michaels) : If you get a flat tire, do you change it and move on or do you slash the other three tires?
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Today, was a bad day. Last night my car broke down on me(hence looking for exercises at home) and today I found out it's gonna cost $300 just to get it running again. Also yesterday, I put my last $30 into my gas tank. Big bummer right?

    I am an emotional eater. Being sad led to a pint of Twix ice cream, 2 cupcakes, and 3 donut sticks. Totally not what I have been eating for the past 2 weeks and totally ruined my goals of eating healthier.

    My question to you all is: When you have messed up a whole day of your diet, do you start from scratch the next day? Or are you like me, and now that you've messed up, you kind of feel like "What's the point?".

    "Every day is a new day, I'm thankful for every breath I take."
    When you eat over your calories one day, or even a whole week, you're not fudging your entire diet. You're just not going to lose weight that week (or as much).

    Don't be so hard on yourself. You had a really crappy day. Yes, you do need to find new soothing hobbies that you can do that isn't so self harmful, but you did it and that is something you just have to throw out the window and say "next time, I'll call someone and talk about my feelings" which works wonders by the way.

    So track what you ate and eat like you normally would. Don't eat less to "make it up", life has no second chances and you just have to keep moving forward. I wish you luck and I hope that your week gets better. :flowerforyou:
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    It's one day out of 14 or so good ones, right? No worries. Log it and move on.
  • ghostpixie
    ghostpixie Posts: 148 Member
    I heard this recently (Jillian Michaels) : If you get a flat tire, do you change it and move on or do you slash the other three tires?

    I like that!
  • mother4noah
    Tomorrow is a "do over" day. Fix it!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I too had an EPIC binge day. Wasn't in the mood for anything at lunch and was craving a piece of cake and a turkey bacon panini. So what did I do - I ate it - all 1000 calorie of it. Left work with 74 calories, went to physical therapy for my hip which is jacked from running while fat and came home and what did I do? Ate 2/3 of a donato's pepperoni and sausage pizza because my appitite has been out of control today.

    Sometimes you do it because you're stressed or emotional. Sometimes it's because you crave something. Sometimes it's because you just want a day to say "Screw it"....

    It doesn't matter. That was today - what will you do to tomorrow?

    Tomorrow I will eat my normal breakfast, my normal lunch, make a healthy dinner, walk my dog, do my PT at-home exercises and go to bed... and I wii get up and do it again the next day.

    Willpower is hard to maintain but keep in mind - you didn't to where you are now quickly, it happened over time. Changing your life is a learning experience and the weight will come of - one day and one piece of education at at time.

    As the song says, "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again."

  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    Well if that was me, I'd be aiming to try and eat solely lean meats and vegetables + egg whites, protein shakes etc. for the entire day, at around 800-1000 calories.
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    ”Hope is a renewable option: If you run out of it at the end of the day, you get to start over in the morning.”

    Good thing each sunrise wipes the slate clean. Tomorrow, plan to eat the healthiest meals you can. I had a meltdown last weekend and dove off the wagon headfirst into the deepfryer and the next day had a green smoothie where I tried dandelion greens. If you can swing hard to the bad side, swing just as far back to the good :)
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Today, was a bad day. Last night my car broke down on me(hence looking for exercises at home) and today I found out it's gonna cost $300 just to get it running again. Also yesterday, I put my last $30 into my gas tank. Big bummer right?

    I am an emotional eater. Being sad led to a pint of Twix ice cream, 2 cupcakes, and 3 donut sticks. Totally not what I have been eating for the past 2 weeks and totally ruined my goals of eating healthier.

    My question to you all is: When you have messed up a whole day of your diet, do you start from scratch the next day? Or are you like me, and now that you've messed up, you kind of feel like "What's the point?".
    Totally not.
    You might need to grasp your parameters more.
    What I mean is, do you know what your TDEE is?
    Find your TDEE. You have to eat past TDEE on a daily basis to begin to gain weight.
    And you would have to do it regularly.:happy:
    3600cals in a pound, so you would have to eat WAY past tdee to be gaining pounds.

    This is a fitness effort, which involves changing your habits.
    So it's not about perfect performance, but about improvement and progress.

    Get back at it!
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    Nope. I start at the very next MEAL. If I screw up lunch... I just make a better choice at dinner. If I screw up royally... I just don't EAT dinner. The point?!? The point is... eventually, you will feel better. Physically and mentally. You will eventually stop punishing yourself through food because of disappointments in other areas of your life... you will begin to feel proud of your accomplishments. You will be able to do things you haven't done for years because you couldn't or were too ashamed or afraid to... The point is you will begin to live again... really live the way you were intended to live and you will find happiness within yourself and your choices.
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    ”Hope is a renewable option: If you run out of it at the end of the day, you get to start over in the morning.”

    Good thing each sunrise wipes the slate clean. Tomorrow, plan to eat the healthiest meals you can. I had a meltdown last weekend and dove off the wagon headfirst into the deepfryer and the next day had a green smoothie where I tried dandelion greens. If you can swing hard to the bad side, swing just as far back to the good :)

  • GeliPearl401
    I'm an emotional eater too! My problem is I eat a little bit of everything that's in front of me when I'm upset. I fudge it up every weekend too! My family has tons of women who are great chefs...when we're all together, all we do is eat. Now I'm short so for every ONE pound I gain, it's the equivalent of TEN (or at least it looks like it). Every day I tell myself I'm going to get back on now, I eat before I head over to the family barbeque that way I don't have an excuse to eat when I'm there. Plus I drink tons of water. And when I'm upset, I make sure that there's tons of fruits or veggies near me instead of a bag of Andy Cap's Hot Fries! :laugh:
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    If I have a bad day, I usually punish myself in the gym the next day. Or try to. Please don't think that there's no point trying anymore now that you've had one bad day, ALWAYS get back on the wagon! One bad day is ok and isn't going to ruin weeks of hard work. Many bad days one after the next IS going to ruin weeks of hard work.

    How did you get all the bad food if you didn't have any money!??
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I am so jealous of what you ate today.
  • malicent
    Once you've had a taste of the Dark Side (and yes, we do have cookies), it is hard to go back. Shame on you.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Get right back into eating clean the next day. One day won't set you back too far, even a really bad day. Just try to be active, eat nutritious foods and drink plenty of water the next few days. You might not lose as much as you had wanted this week, but chances are you won't have a big gain either (unless the binge involved lots of salt which can cause water retention).

    If you say screw it, next thing you know it will be a month or two later and you will have undone some hard work.

    Exactly this. I had a monumental !!Way Over!! day before, and I was quite panicked. I posted here trying to figure out what to do, and the advice was consistently: dust yourself off, and pick it right back up, because it's going to be okay. And it was.

    Try looking at your deficit over a week's time, or even over two weeks... even with a day like you had, over time it probably evens out. It might slow your weight loss for that short time period (if your goal is to lose a pound a week, for instance, you might not see that loss) but one awful day isn't going to make that much difference -- and it doesn't erase the nutritional gains from eating healthier all the other days, and doesn't erase any fitness gains if you've been active. You're still on the path, and you're still improving every day. A day full of bad choices doesn't negate any of that, and it's not even really a setback. It's a bad day. Dust yourself off, and pick yourself right back up, because it's going to be okay. :)
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Every day is new day. We're human, which means we aren't perfect. There will be days where you stumble, and fall.

    I've done both, honestly. I finally stopped giving up after one mess up when it finally clicked that I wasn't perfect. One day of messing up isn't going to kill me. All I have to do is plan better the next day.

    It helps to journal, especially if you are an emotional eater. I'm a boredom eater, myself, which is difficult to overcome as well. I keep my major temptations away most of the time, for that reason.
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    Every single week my husband and I have a cheat meal. We've been doing this since March and he's lost 103 lbs. and I've lost 87. We just get right back on the straight and narrow the next day. You can do it! Don't give up!!!! :flowerforyou: