Speeding up the results in the 30 day shred

Ok.. So I have a question that may or may not be dumb.

I have just completed day 2 of the 30 day shred.

My question is, instead of doing it once per day for 30 days, would it work the same if I did it twice a day for 15 days?


  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Is it to easy? Up the weights. Still to easy? Use weights in the cardiomoves to.
    It takes time for the body to change, there is a point to the program being 30 days.
  • misspancakes
    misspancakes Posts: 96 Member
    It is no way too easy.. just wanted a change quicker. Oh well :)
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    How much you want to loose and how fast is totally up to you. Also if you want to eat back your excersise calories but there is a point in letting the body takes its time. Unless you are very overweight, more then 2 lbs a weeks is not recomended. Its a matter of keeping up with the progress mentally aswell.
  • sunshine1992
    sunshine1992 Posts: 22 Member
    I think it would end up being counterproductive because your muscles would have no time to repair. Particularly as it is the exact same routine, you are breaking down the exact same muscle fibers.

    I often take a 30 minute walk/run after shredding though, to take advantage of my high HR and get in a bit of extra cardio without being too hard on my muscles.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It is no way too easy.. just wanted a change quicker. Oh well :)

    Add a different set of exercises - swim, bike, lift ...
    BUT - listen to your body and be careful to avoid injury. If you are going from zero to 100 - it's going to hurt.

    BTW, you are NOT "breaking down the exact same muscle fibers" - this is wrong - what you *might* be doing is not giving the body time to rebuild properly and remove breakdown products.