couple questions, some medical stuff, not too gross tho



  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    First,let me start off by saying,"I am so sorry you had to go through all this,it sounds like it has been an extremely difficult and frustrating situation. Second,I agree with others you should see a gastroenterologist to rule out things such as Chrons,colitis...also,maybe an allergist to rule out any food allergies,or even an absorption problem." I am glad you have lost weight you wanted to lose,but concerned how you lost it,the first goal is to be healthy.I pray the doctors encouraged you to take vitamins to replace the minerals you have lost. I don't know where you live,b ut where I live people have come to get answers when nobody could figure out what was going on. There is a MAyo Clinic close by and a Children"s Hospital,don';t let the children stop you,they also see adults who have had trouble being diagnosed.I would suggest you get on the computer and look for some specialists elsewhere.We had a bad experience and prognosis with my grandfather when he had cancer(mutiple myeloma),they gave him weeks to a month to live when they first found it.I got online and researched specialists in this area,and brought him 2 hrs.away to get the help,made that trip for years getting chemo.It gave us years instead of months. I wish you the best of luck.As for how you should be eating,eat what you can,smaller amounts are probably alot easier to handle,make sure you talk to a nutritionist and get on some supplements. Take care of your self for your family and for yourself.
  • mojo81378
    mojo81378 Posts: 5 Member
    My BFF has gastroparesis {spelling} meaning her stomach is paralyzed. You had a lot of the same symptoms you currently have.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    during my rapid weight loss i was under a docs care. At times i had to watch for constipation and was on colace, senekot and milk of magnesia. i would never go more than 3 days without a bowel movement at least every other day or i would be in pain. this has to be monitored constantly to prevent this.

    hindsight is 20/20 they say...a person should never go that long without moving their bowels IMO. being blocked will only back up causing more problems... as you have discovered. hopefully things settle n you can get things regulated.
  • psv1012
    psv1012 Posts: 65 Member
    I agree with your advise, go directly to the emergency room .Do not worry about eating, try insure or some other nutrition suppliment. You could be in real trouble. I am not a nurse or Doctor, but I know what I would tell my children or a friend and tha twould be insist on being taken seriously. Have they looked at Diabetis? I am diebetic and it can wreck you if it isn't managed correctly. Good Luck. Quit dieting. Eat what ever you can.