Tell me what I am doing wrong, plz

So this morning when I went up the scale I was at 156.2, tonight I am at 160 lbs... I am soooo disapointed. I know it could be water weight but for 4 pounds?

Can you please look into my food diary and see what has been happening. Oh my god, I am totally disapointed in my self.

Last time I tried losing weight I did it through Jenny Craig, I do not want to go back to them as they are expensive...but that was the only way I lost weight.

This forum is my last hope. Please let me know what you think I am doing wrong :(


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    There are a number of reasons, if this is a recent 'healthy' change and you are eating differently to how you normally do, your body can react in all sorts of surprising ways. Some of the other most common causes are:

    Did you do significant (or different) exercise yesterday?
    Have you taken in a lot of sodium rich foods in the last couple of days?
    Is it that TOM?

    Or, is your scale broken/temperamental?

    You don't need to go back to JC, or to WW, or any other gimmick. This will work, just stick to what you know you should be doing and give it a little time.
  • anntyson
    anntyson Posts: 23 Member
    something similar happened 2 me...last wk i had a dr.s appt. and weighed 163. had 2 go bk
    the following week...i had gained 10 lbs...still ate healthy and run every day for 45 min. i was
    shocked..and so was my dr. ran more tests and i'm allergic to i have to start a
    gluten free diet. thats why i decided to join.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    So this morning when I went up the scale I was at 156.2, tonight I am at 160 lbs... I am soooo disapointed. I know it could be water weight but for 4 pounds?

    Can you please look into my food diary and see what has been happening. Oh my god, I am totally disapointed in my self.

    Last time I tried losing weight I did it through Jenny Craig, I do not want to go back to them as they are expensive...but that was the only way I lost weight.

    This forum is my last hope. Please let me know what you think I am doing wrong :(

    There could be a lot of things really stress, tom, not um going to meditate daily ect
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Also what strength traing you doing
  • AbiCusPeck
    AbiCusPeck Posts: 96 Member
    Weight gain could be due to fat turning into muscle. Although it is very annoying to see the scale go up, guage it differently... how do you feel, does your body feel tighter, have you got more energy?!

    Whatever you are doing, keep it up, Rome wasn't built in a day :)

  • Raphi_roo
    Why are you weighing twice a day? That isn't representative of weight gain or loss.
  • twentyjxthree
    Well.... given the fact that you weighed yourself in the morning and are comparing the weight to your current weight ( at night).... I would take into consideration all of the food and water you drank today.

    I usually fluctuate 5-8 pounds in one day. It is nothing to worry about. Tell us what you weigh after you use the restroom tomorrow
  • Cassandrat83
    Your body fluctuates throughout the day. Thats why they only advise that you weigh yourself once a week in the morning. If you weigh yourself in the morning, you will see a different story
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    So this morning when I went up the scale I was at 156.2, tonight I am at 160 lbs... I am soooo disapointed. I know it could be water weight but for 4 pounds?

    Can you please look into my food diary and see what has been happening. Oh my god, I am totally disapointed in my self.

    Last time I tried losing weight I did it through Jenny Craig, I do not want to go back to them as they are expensive...but that was the only way I lost weight.

    This forum is my last hope. Please let me know what you think I am doing wrong :(
  • crazy_ninja
    crazy_ninja Posts: 387 Member
    Dont go on your scale every couple of hours!
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    What seems to be the problem?
  • loztandfound
    loztandfound Posts: 73 Member
    my word, please DO NOT weigh yourself multiple times a day, I would say at the very most weigh every 3 days, and always at the same time - AKA first thing in the morning, before breakfast but after a wee and a ....'an other' (!). This way, your weight will be your body weight, not the food, drink, clothes you are taking on and putting on yourself in the day.
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    So this morning when I went up the scale I was at 156.2, tonight I am at 160 lbs... I am soooo disapointed. I know it could be water weight but for 4 pounds?

    Can you please look into my food diary and see what has been happening. Oh my god, I am totally disapointed in my self.

    Last time I tried losing weight I did it through Jenny Craig, I do not want to go back to them as they are expensive...but that was the only way I lost weight.

    This forum is my last hope. Please let me know what you think I am doing wrong :(
    Hi there. D
    DO not take any notice of the scales. There is a reason we weight ourselves in the morning.This in when our body is most likely to be at its TRUE weight.After our first pee and before eating or drinking. We as women can gain anything up to 10lbs in water weight on any given day..Depending on different variables ie;time of month,like someone else said eating a lot of sodium can have a roll on effect for a few days.Try not to weight your self in the evening. It can be disheartening.Hope this helps you. I see you are doing well keep it up x
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You ate food and you drank liquids. Do not weigh yourself daily let alone more than once a day - weigh weekly at the most.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I looked at your diary, even though gaining weight throughout the day is completely normal and you should really weigh yourself ONCE a week at the same time every week.

    You're not consistently logging and you're not eating clean most days. I see a lot of processed food and chocolate. Sometimes is okay, but most days is not.
  • Hanley159
    Hanley159 Posts: 1 Member
    Weigh at the same time each day, preferably about 10 minutes after you get up in the morning. It will give you a more accurate weight. Sometimes when you have worked or been on your feet for a long period of time, you will retain fluid. I have weighed 2 to 11 pounds more at night than I did the same morning.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Weigh as soon as you do your morning bathroom stop its is the most accurate
  • Alohathin
    Alohathin Posts: 360 Member
    So this morning when I went up the scale I was at 156.2, tonight I am at 160 lbs... I am soooo disapointed. I know it could be water weight but for 4 pounds?

    Can you please look into my food diary and see what has been happening. Oh my god, I am totally disapointed in my self.

    Last time I tried losing weight I did it through Jenny Craig, I do not want to go back to them as they are expensive...but that was the only way I lost weight.

    This forum is my last hope. Please let me know what you think I am doing wrong :(

    You are doing nothing wrong. This is utterly NORMAL.
  • kaylabrianna
    And I was 124lbs two hours ago and now I'm 130lbs. It's because it's night, you've drunken and eaten. Educate yourself. By tomorrow you'll be back at the original.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I looked at your diary, even though gaining weight throughout the day is completely normal and you should really weigh yourself ONCE a week at the same time every week.

    You're not consistently logging and you're not eating clean most days. I see a lot of processed food and chocolate. Sometimes is okay, but most days is not.

    How would this impact her weight loss?