
Hi.I have been working out consistantly for 5-6weeks.I see change in my shape.Yet thos flipping scales are not budging!I am getting very frustrated.I realise people say you can be gaining muscles and loosing fat so not much weight difference. I am not sure if I believ we can make that much muscle quickly.I am watching what I eat.exercising everyday mid level cardio and callenetics.Where am I going wrong???I am 5ft5 weight 138lbs. I want to get back to around 126LBS.THis is where I feel my best x


  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    If you see your shape change than stop watching the scale. Give yourself maybe 2 or 3 weeks then step on it again.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Most of the weight gain people experience when beginning weight training is due to extra water being stored to help protect and repair muscle tissue during and following exercise. Additionally, glycogen stores in muscle and liver increase.

    But listen to Ihateroses: If your measurements are going down, ignore the scale.
  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    How hard are you pushing yourself? I've heard that the body can get used to repetitious routines and yield in giving you results. Good luck, I know those last 10lbs will give you the most grief so hang in there!!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I know it's annoying. It's something I'm trying to get used to as well. Scales suck generally I think. It's the body in the mirror that matters. It's really hard to get out of the scale habit, but if you are weightlifting they arn't hugely important I think. It's the visable changes that really matter. As females we are so hooked up on scale weight that it's so hard to see past it sometimes. I do weigh myself, but it doesn't mean that much to me. If my work trousers are feeling tight or loose that effects my day far more than what the scale tells me! lol
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks.Ok its interesting about muscles holding water. I do mix my work outs up a lot. Trying to keep my body guessing.Swimming- Aerobics-.Running- Walking .Strength Training etc. I am Thinking I have maybe lost fat but cant be sure:).I may throw away the scales.Thanks for your input .Keeps me from going mad lol x
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Results do not stagnate due to repetition of the same exercise - they will, however, if you do the same exercise at the same volume for an extended period of time. Thus, it's not necessarily about changing up the routine - it's increasing training volume. Keep challenging yourself by trying to do more weight every few weeks on most exercises (especially large muscle groups). The additional stimuli you apply to muscle and connective tissue will help move you forward. Though, you can still implement variety in exercise to specific body parts so that muscle fibers are recruited in different sequences.

    Use photos in addition to girth measurements to assess monthly changes. When assessing body fat percentage, do that every three months.
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    Results do not stagnate due to repetition of the same exercise - they will, however, if you do the same exercise at the same volume for an extended period of time. Thus, it's not necessarily about changing up the routine - it's increasing training volume. Keep challenging yourself by trying to do more weight every few weeks on most exercises (especially large muscle groups). The additional stimuli you apply to muscle and connective tissue will help move you forward. Though, you can still implement variety in exercise to specific body parts so that muscle fibers are recruited in different sequences.

    Use photos in addition to girth measurements to assess monthly changes. When assessing body fat percentage, do that every three months.
    Ok thanks.I am taking pics.I also make sure I increase my reps and weight etc.Hopefully that fats getting burnt lol