Friends required for motivation and tips :)

Have been using MFP for a while, using my phone, Until today when i realise its full potential, looking to meet new people as a i find this very motivational and share tips and stories


  • Lityboy
    Hi Dawn! Add me and I´ll, at best, tell you what I know and help you keep yourself on the right track!
    All the best.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    You can add me if you like! I'm 5'5 and down from 180lbs to 127lbs with 7 more to go before goal! You can ask me anything you'd like & I'd love to help xxx:smile:
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    I'm taking a physical fitness class this semester where I have to come up with my own training program. So I'll at least be able to help answer questions about training techniques.
  • kiangel
    kiangel Posts: 246 Member
    Hi Dawn :)
  • dawn8642
    dawn8642 Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry didn't realize there was reply's in here also :) thanks everyone

    Dawn x