5k a day in January?



  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    nice, hawaii, i have never been there either. im sure it is beautiful. the 8k race is here locally, fort myers. it seems like they have some kind of race at least twice a month, they are cheap to enter, like $20 or 25, raising money for some charity. the 8k race is for habitat for humanity.

    so you have got the whole 5k, great job, you were quick to advance. i saw some friends out walking last night and i told them too, just push a little more each week and you get up quickly. i didnt think i could do 8k and i did it without problem. last night i just did 5k. tonight i might try the 8k again. i went to the gym this morning and did legs (weights) and 1 hour fight club class. we will have to see if my legs will hold out for the long run tonight.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    nice, hawaii, i have never been there either. im sure it is beautiful. the 8k race is here locally, fort myers. it seems like they have some kind of race at least twice a month, they are cheap to enter, like $20 or 25, raising money for some charity. the 8k race is for habitat for humanity.

    so you have got the whole 5k, great job, you were quick to advance. i saw some friends out walking last night and i told them too, just push a little more each week and you get up quickly. i didnt think i could do 8k and i did it without problem. last night i just did 5k. tonight i might try the 8k again. i went to the gym this morning and did legs (weights) and 1 hour fight club class. we will have to see if my legs will hold out for the long run tonight.

    :) Yep, it is nice..... especially in the winter! No more sub-zero winters for me. :) As for the 5k... I started with the Cto5K program and got to where I was able to regularly do 5k.... I maintained at that but had problems really going much farther or faster. When I got a running buddy, (just after Christmas) - my distance shortened because she needed to build up to 5k at once... I was a bit worried that I'd be backsliding, since I'm not going as far, but I end up running faster b/c we're together than I would alone, so it seems a fair trade off. Yesterday I think we went just about 2.5 miles - just a guess though. And today I was so busy that the only exercise I fit in was Pilates. Tomorrow is a run day though...

    How about you? How's it going?
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    i have done 5k last 2 nights but couldnt get myself to the 8k (legs sore from weights). this morning i did the treadmill at the gym, i run inclines and sprints, i think that really builds my endurance for the 5k runs. i would try that if you feel like you are not making progress. on the treadmill i run 1 minute at 5 incline, 1 min at 8, 1 min at 12 and then 1 min at 15% incline ( a killer) rest one min then do it again. i then run 1 min sprints (different inclines weekly) and rest for 1 min in between, i do 5 sprints. great workout!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    i have done 5k last 2 nights but couldnt get myself to the 8k (legs sore from weights). this morning i did the treadmill at the gym, i run inclines and sprints, i think that really builds my endurance for the 5k runs. i would try that if you feel like you are not making progress. on the treadmill i run 1 minute at 5 incline, 1 min at 8, 1 min at 12 and then 1 min at 15% incline ( a killer) rest one min then do it again. i then run 1 min sprints (different inclines weekly) and rest for 1 min in between, i do 5 sprints. great workout!!

    Hi there... just noticed, 8 days until your 8k!!! Getting excited? Your advice about how to increase speed sounds helpful - I would be happy to have use of a treadmill because although I may want to speed up on the road, I dont have to or face falling down, know what I mean? That extra element of "keeping up" would be a help. For some reason, I am soooooooo tired the past couple of days. We walked instead of ran yesterday (but it was 3.1 miles) and today... I'm searching for motivation. Hopefully I will find it. Maybe i can borrow some of yours? You seem to have plenty!:happy:
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    well thanks for the compliment aboiut the motivation but i have to push myself along too. i went to buy some new jeans today and that is always motivation, i bought some 4's and some 6's and i felt so good in them that i want to make sure that i keep this size. it feels so good to be thin and lean. that is my motivation. i also have 3 kids 15, 14 and 3 so i tell myself that i need to keep healthy to see them grow up and see the grandkids. whenever i feel like i cant go farther or faster sometimes i ask myself "if my child was about to fall off a cliff could i run and save them?" of course you would be able to, then i speed up. sometimes my body feels so tired, i started tracking the workouts and amount i run on my calendar and i noticed every tuesday i was exhausted and actually miss my run at night. it is interesting to see what patterns develop. it also helps to motivate me to see everything i have done. my morning motivation (at 430 am sometimes i feel like i can barely move) is getting my coffee. i buy coffee EVERY day, im addicted but it gets me moving.
    i am getting exctied about the 8km run, still havent done it very times. but i plan to rest the day before and eat a good breakfast so hopefully i will have enough energy for a good run.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    just wanted to give the update, ran my 8K today and it was sooooo much fun. i am really addicted to running at this point, i could do this every weekend. i ran it in 41 mins 45 seconds ( did the 5k part in 26 mins, which broke my old official record of 29:30). i even got a trophy for third place in my division. what a surprise. there is a 5k around my area almost every weekend so i am going to try to do at least 1-2 month just for fun. i may try for the half marathon in march but wow, that sounds like a big goal. i still havent got my mind wrapped around it. hope things are still good for you.