How Does Your Occupation Affect Your Exercise/Diet



  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    I run a small office and since I am the boss, I provide fresh fruit for everybody during the week as snacks. The job is very sedentary so I try to get up and do a walkabout every hour or so and if I don't have a lunch on, I'll get out for a walk over the lunch hour.

    It is a 10-hour day and by the time I get home I am ready to have a nice meal and spend time with my family. So I usually work out at the gym at 8:30 pm. I am lucky in that I sleep like a log so no problem going to bed shortly after working out. I also like to cycle and kayak but reserve those for the weekends given my relatively long work day and then commute on top of that.

    Most of the guys my age and in my business slowly add the pounds over the years because of their busy schedule, sedentary existence and business-related entertainment. In fact that is how I ended up on MFP! But I've dropped 30 pounds to the weight I was at almost 20 years ago when I had my active job as an exploration geologist
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    I'm a paper pusher for the state (a.k.a. administrative assistant) and commute 1.5 hrs each way to get here. Leave home at 6:15am & get home at 6:15pm. Upside to a desk job is I can eat at my desk anytime, therefore am able to schedule my meals & snacks as needed. Another upside, since I work for law enforcement, they promote & encourage fitness & good health (contrary to popular belief). They offer free crossfit classes 3x a day, yoga twice a week at lunch & personal training anytime you want to squeeze it in. So I am able to work out at lunch, walk the track on break & all at no cost to me! All in all, I have it pretty good (except that darn commute!) :grumble:
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    I sit at a desk all damn day! Very sedentary. In my last job, where I also sat at a desk all day, there were a ton of client lunches/post work drinks/client dinners/breakfast was endless and the hours were super long so I was exhausted and surrounded by food. 25 pounds and three years later I've moved into a new role where there's maybe one client lunch a week, it's 9-5, I can take the stairs between floors and I'm much more committed to my health now!
  • maedoll18
    @DaveRCF: Exploration Geologist sounds like that was fun when you had that career!! I have a degree in geology but ended up writing lol
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    @DaveRCF: Exploration Geologist sounds like that was fun when you had that career!! I have a degree in geology but ended up writing lol

    It was a great job when I was young, single and no kids! Flying around in helicopters, living in tents (basically camping all summer), doing science but being outside. It was fantastic. But then the burdens of life come along and your priorities change...
  • Sammyjo4486
    I have a desk job scanning paper all day from 8-430pm. I am lucky and get two 15 min breaks a day and my half hour lunch at 1pm so I eat at 1230 while i work to prevent from eating too fast and not feeling satisfied. I make sure I bring my own lunch to avoid the take out being ordered (and spending money) and as long as it is not raining or 0 degrees I walk on all my breaks. I also started do small streching at my desk. My legs and sides, I contract my stomach muscules and butt. No one notices these things and I keep alittle chart of how many reps and times a day to do it. I found being active at my desk keeps my energy up and I am not stiff so I want to do my walks or zumba on the playstation move when I go home. I exercise at home either zumba or walk away the pounds and yoga on demand exercise videos. I fit in my at home routines after I am done making dinner , cleaning up, setting myself and my 3 yr old for daycare the next day, and showering him and putting him to bed so I am pretty tired by and would still like to have some quality time with my bf who I live with. So I am grateful for being able to walk at work to help keep me active.
  • Lindseysund8
    I lost most of my weight last year when I was a full time nanny and could work out while she napped, run with her in the stroller, and take daily walks. She loved it so I was doing something she enjoyed and getting a workout in. In August, I moved home to Chicago to take an office job. I lost my student gym membership with the move and didn't get going on that for a couple of months.I didn't work out from May to August! it was bad. When we moved, I left my car at home too. So public transportation is my new BFF. I was almost 2 miles altogether to and from the L station. But the Chicago pizza got me and I gained a bit back. I joined a gym 2 blocks from my apartment and got up at 5 am twice this week to get in a before work workout. I bring healthy snacks and avoid the candy at the front desk. Lunches are a struggle because I am horrible at packing lunches or saving the time in the morning to do so. My boyfriend goes to law school downtown so we try and eat healthy when we meet for lunch. I usually eat half of a potbellys or portillos salad. Occasionally, i will treat myself to an NYC Bagel sandwich. Love those! I am learning that you have to want it. I am happy to have my motivation back!
  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom now, I work out a lot more than I did when working. I used to be a vet assistant and was just exhausted from running around, lifting and wrestling dogs and cats, and/or standing while grooming all day.
  • rainwalkerSK
    My work hours are really flexible, so I usually head to the gym in lieu of a lunchbreak. My boss doesn't care if I take a two hour lunch (that's how long it usually takes to drive to the gym, change, work out, shower, dress, and drive back to my office), so it works for me. I eat lunch out 4-5 days a week (too lazy to pack a lunch), but I know how to make healthy choices at the restaurants close to my office. The challenging days are the ones that I'm traveling for work, since, for some reason, my self-control doesn't travel well.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    I try to schedule strength training 3x during the week, and run on most of my off days (not counting recreational hiking, swimming and biking). However, the stress related to my job is like a roller coaster. I try my best, but especially times like now where deadlines and pressure from higher management can be enough to cause a breakdown... overtime is at its peak. I work as an animator, so creative instruction isn't always the easiest to follow... Especially when directors change their minds, 80% of the company are currently new fresh from school animators needing mentoring, and quality is higher than ever before. Needless to say, I do a LOT of overtime. Although health is my #1 priority, there's only so much if I want to remain in a good position at my job as well.

    There are things I CAN control however, and that is my diet. On good days, I have all of my meals pre-logged, pre-made, and sitting in my fridge at work. I eat a plant based diet, and even with the healthiest foods it is still easy to over-eat. Pre making food really helps me with that.

    On days I jog, I usually go during my lunch hour as I rarely have the energy after work. However, there are times I go during lunch and after work just to release stress! It's much better than snacking.
  • Jalyst79
    Jalyst79 Posts: 50 Member
    I get up at 415am to go workout now that I have an 8-5 job. I hate sitting at my desk, wish it was more active. When I worked other hours like 3-11, I went right when I got up around 9 or 10am and when I worked overnights 11p-7am, I went at 8 pm. It gave me a boost of energy to work through the night, especially because I worked 3-11 three days a week and 11p-7a two days a week.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I sit at a desk all day so other than being sedentary for a long time, its not too bad. I pack a healthy lunch. so my eating is fine. I workout right after work, and occasionally before. I guess it would be nice to workout at lunch, but there's no showers here, and I would hate running downtown during lunch, it's way too crowded.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I teach a nursery class.

    In many ways it is a good job to have as most days involve at least some activity - ball games, walks, stories told using yoga etc etc. I am on my feet pretty much all day. I also teach them about healthy eating and it is good to practice what I preach!

    I work close enough to home to walk there and back too, which helps. I walk 3 miles a day doing this.

    The down side is that I come home exhausted and it is very easy to grab the first thing to eat rather than making something nutritious.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I work for a boss that believes in working out at an office with a gym in it which is where I started. Unfortunately there is no squat or power rack, and I am not squatting every workout, so I can;t workout in there right now. Instead I go in early Mon and Wed and work through lunch then leave at 2 to workout, go home, and finish the day from home. Fri I just work from home and go the the gym in the afternoon. I let my boss see my before and afters from the link below along with the one in my weight ticker and thanked him for letting me work out ;)
  • Cappicorn
    Cappicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I have a desk job that I work 6am-3pm, 40 hours a week. We just recently moved into our new facility which I love as it's right next to a nice 2 mile nature trail that I run during my lunch break.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I work at a law firm 8 to 5, so I have a sedentary desk job. But my cubbyhole is upstairs and the bathroom is downstairs and since I drink a lot of water I run the stairs all day long.) I've also had to put on my running shoes and sprint to the court house on more than one occasion when we have a last minute filing.

    I go to boot camp 3x's a week before work, run at lunch, and go to classes (yoga, spin, core) after work a few times a week.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    about 4hours of aerobics a week, one day cycle...trying to fit in gym slots now so by oct should be about another 4+hours of gym and when possible studying at the gym !also job on the weekends...I basically don't have a real life at this current moment in time...and any other spare time is dedicated to studying !
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    working from home (graphic design and artwork reproduction), i can exercise whenever i like, just have to get any clients orders done for their specific deadlines. i don't complain when i am too busy though. it always pays :happy:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I work in a really stressful environment. I typically put in 12 hours a day and work at least one day on the weekend. That said - I also put exercise first - get up earlier, do what I need to to work out at least 6 days a week. I also end up out to dinner a night or two a week with clients, I've never let that get in my way. Since going vegetarian, I have a little more trouble eating. Since most of the evenings out are for drinking with clients, I'm not a drinker, I still am able to get up early to exercise. And there is nothing like excusing myself early because I have to run 20 miles the next day for training :) Jaws drop, they stand there amazed at the statement and everyone generally wraps it out out of pure guilt. I also do a side job that I have done for years that brought money in and there are some client's I didn't want to give up when I went back to work full time, so I will work on those via computer when I'm not at the office.

    My kids schedules really effect me more than my work does, but fortunately for me - I also have a boss that lets me put my kids first, piano lessons, early release, sports, open house, etc, I will leave to take care of them, then return after hours or when they are in bed to finish up.

    Really - long story short - it's 1-3 hours a day of exercise for me 6x per week, it's my priority, I feel better, work harder, and am way less stressed by doing it.
  • Ridoe87
    Ridoe87 Posts: 9 Member
    Currently I am working Midnights at a Hospital. And have an hour drive each way.. This completely throws my schedule out of Wack... Half of the time getting a lunch break never happens.. Usually when I get home I am so exhausted I go straight to bed and spend a good hour and a half actually sleeping sound before my brain repeatedly wakes me up during the remaining 6 hours...and by the time I get up out of my bed I end up eating one meal a day. Horrible pattern to fall into. This week I'm going to be trying to fix my 6 small meals ahead of time and exercise straight after work before I hit my bed.