why do i feel crap :(



  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    what's a CPAP machine?

    It's a mask that helps keep the airway open while the person sleeps. It's for people with sleep apnea. Many morbidly obese people have sleep apnea. You'd have to have a sleep study done to confirm this. Snoring is a symptom of apnea.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    to reply to the ladies points: No, I am not approaching TOM.

    i've to this date lost 39lbs, and the instructor that helped me lose that put me on a 1900 allowance, so i have been trying to stick to that.....is it worth raising it do you think?

    I thought i might not have been exercising enough, but i can see your point about rest days. I usually don't really exercise on a saturday, and on a sunday my BF and I eat out, on the condition that we walk to wherever we are going which is usually within a 0-5 mile range.

    We have just signed up for a 100km walk next year so will be doing lots more walking in the coming months. Hopefully this will help???

    I think your deficit is set correctly given your other data. I would just make your MFP goals line up with your acutal goals. Maybe I missed it but how long have you been following calorie restiction? If more than 3 months, it may be time for a reset by eating for 2 weeks at maintenance and then back to the calorie restriction. If that is not the case, I don't think eating more is the issue. Are you eating back most of your exercise calories?
  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    You really need to eat back your exercise calories. I see that every day you exercise, you have (withing 100 cals or so) that same amount of calories left over for the day. MFP already adjusts a calorie deficit for you, so your body really needs to eat back those extra calories burned. Also aim for 1-2 days per week of rest. Hope you get to feeling better!!
  • hsmaldo
    hsmaldo Posts: 115 Member
    Could you be pregnant? It's the first thing that popped into my head when I read your issues.

    just went upstairs and took a test when i read your comment.......nope. :/

    When I lost 20 lbs last summer, I got break-through bleeding midway through my cycle...turns out when I researched it, it was because estrogen is stored in fat cells and as I was losing the weight, the estrogen was being released into my body. Wondering if this could be something similar that is happening to you, though not in such large amounts as to cause spotting, but enough to mimic the fatigue? Just a thought/idea that you could research before you start messing with calories...
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    i agree with what others have said...up your protein and eat less carbs...

    on your diary it looks like you know how to eat fiber so change that to protein so you can track that instead...

    Going back over her most recent 4 days and taking 4 calories per gram of carbs and 9 calories per gram of fats I was able to back into her protein number. She averages 175 grams per day of protein. Given that the recomendation for adequate protein is .8 to 1 gram per lb of lean body mass and her lean body mass is probably somewhere between 140 and 160 lbs, how in the world would you or the others that have posted this advice come to the conclusion that her carbs are too high and her protein is too low?? If anything, her fats are too low and she could lower her protein slightly and bump her fats. Recommended level of fats is .35 grams to .4 grams per lbs of body weight.

    On what basis would you recommend an increase in protein??
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    to reply to the ladies points: No, I am not approaching TOM.

    i've to this date lost 39lbs, and the instructor that helped me lose that put me on a 1900 allowance, so i have been trying to stick to that.....is it worth raising it do you think?

    I thought i might not have been exercising enough, but i can see your point about rest days. I usually don't really exercise on a saturday, and on a sunday my BF and I eat out, on the condition that we walk to wherever we are going which is usually within a 0-5 mile range.

    We have just signed up for a 100km walk next year so will be doing lots more walking in the coming months. Hopefully this will help???

    I was having the same issues on Fridays. Every Friday, I would crash and burn. I switched my workout days to allow for two rest days per week, and I haven't had a problem since then. I still eat the same, and workout with the same intensity, but I let my body rest from time to time.
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    I don't have sleep apnea, and don't snore (partner confirmed) but i do sleep talk and have the occaisional flashbacky nightmare.

    I'm not keen to massivelt increase my cals, but maybe eating at maintinence by either exercising less or eating more for 2 weeks would be good. I'd also consider changing around my amounts, but i thought i already had a high amount of fats in my diet :)
  • ShaunMc1968
    As previously said, more protein, less carbs, plenty water, watch sodium - take it easy on the exercise so your not knackered. Good luck. ;-)
  • missjennifer1966
    missjennifer1966 Posts: 143 Member
    I laughed at "felt so pants" LOL sorry but I did.

    I dunno what to tell you other than change things around a bit and see if anything helps you out. Maybe you're not sleeping enough, or try some B 12

    LOL!! Me, too, but I have no clue what she meant to post.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I laughed at "felt so pants" LOL sorry but I did.

    I dunno what to tell you other than change things around a bit and see if anything helps you out. Maybe you're not sleeping enough, or try some B 12

    LOL!! Me, too, but I have no clue what she meant to post.

    I believe "felt so pants" is just a cute British way to say "felt like crap"--I've had several British friends say this on my news feed. :wink:

    OP, yep you probably need a rest day. Also, if you're fairly new to working out, it just takes your body time to adjust. When I first started back in Janurary, I was exhausted and "felt like pants" ALL THE TIME!! After a couple of months, it got a lot better. Keep your chin up girl. :flowerforyou:
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I laughed at "felt so pants" LOL sorry but I did.

    I dunno what to tell you other than change things around a bit and see if anything helps you out. Maybe you're not sleeping enough, or try some B 12

    LOL!! Me, too, but I have no clue what she meant to post.

    "Feeling pants" is UK slang, feeling rubbish, awful etc as SCP said it it is in context, she feels bad

    nuff said innit? :laugh:
  • BamaGirl777
    I looked at your diary and you seem to have many calories left over at the end
    of the day. I know for me, if I don't eat most all of my calories I feel like crap. Plus
    if you are exercising, you really need to eat all of the. That's my 2 cents.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    As previously said, more protein, less carbs, plenty water, watch sodium - take it easy on the exercise so your not knackered. Good luck. ;-)
    With her protein already averaging 175 grams per day, what would the rationale be for increasing it?
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member

    I took a look at your diary and I would suggest some tweaks. You can try them one at a time if you would like:

    1) Carb/Fat/Protein timing. Presently you seem to have about the same balance of these macros throughout your main meals. I would suggest that your morning to mid-afternoon meal/snacks have more carbs and proteins on the plate in contrast to your late afternoon to evening meal/snacks to have more proteins and fats on the plate.
    2) Try cutting or reducing sugar and starches. Replace with good fats and leafy veggies.

    Both of these will help your blood sugar and insulin production to be more stable throughout the day and should be an energy boost.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I don't have sleep apnea, and don't snore (partner confirmed) but i do sleep talk and have the occaisional flashbacky nightmare.

    I'm not keen to massivelt increase my cals, but maybe eating at maintinence by either exercising less or eating more for 2 weeks would be good. I'd also consider changing around my amounts, but i thought i already had a high amount of fats in my diet :)

    If you were to take a short break, you would only go to maintenance at about 2500 per day for a week or 2. Also, you fats are fairly low. You are averaging around 40 grams and you could safely be at double that. Remember fats don't make you fat. Calorie surplus makes you fat. And in fact EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) like Omega 3 are a secondary helping factor in weight loss. Just make sure your fat intake is balanced and avoid transfats. Fat, in appropriate doses, is healthy. Even saturated fat in appropriate dose.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    As previously said, more protein, less carbs, plenty water, watch sodium - take it easy on the exercise so your not knackered. Good luck. ;-)
    With her protein already averaging 175 grams per day, what would the rationale be for increasing it?

    How did you view her protein?
  • little_miss_panda
    You could try building in a diet break week, or a day per week where you eat at maintenance and the rest at your cut level?

    I found when I was doing heavy training (have had to stop at the moment due to illness) I would suddenly crash and burn and then feel a whole lot better if I ate more for a few days and rested, so it might be a combination of overtraining and not eating enough on your workout days.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    As previously said, more protein, less carbs, plenty water, watch sodium - take it easy on the exercise so your not knackered. Good luck. ;-)
    With her protein already averaging 175 grams per day, what would the rationale be for increasing it?

    How did you view her protein?

    I calculated it by counting her carbs at 4 calories per gram and fats at 9 calories per gram. Whatever is left is protein at 4 calories per gram. So, I didn't view it but had 2 parts of the equation so I could figure the 3 part.
  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    Have you had any blood work recently. It could very well be low hemoglobin. Your diet seems balance and you are getting an appropriate kcal intake. Perhaps it's something less visible. Good luck.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    You really need to eat back your exercise calories. I see that every day you exercise, you have (withing 100 cals or so) that same amount of calories left over for the day. MFP already adjusts a calorie deficit for you, so your body really needs to eat back those extra calories burned. Also aim for 1-2 days per week of rest. Hope you get to feeling better!!

    Unless your calorie goal is TDEE with a cut (15%-20%), eat back some of your exercise calories and see how that works.