need new friends for motivation and accountability

hi everyone,
I just joined today when I made the absolute decision to do something about my weight. I have been procrastinating for months and had to have a wellness call today for my insurance. I set goals on my wellness call of loosing weight and becoming more active. My wellness coach recommended this site and after looking it over, I have a renewed motivation to get started.

I am 46 years old and would like to start with an initial goal of loosing 20 pounds. Ultimately, I need to loose 30, but 20 pounds would put me in a desireable (yet high end) of my BMI range, so since I have struggled with weight loss all my life, I am setting the 20 pound goal so that it is more obtainable.

I have a seditary job most of the time, although some days can be quite active, but it is not the norm. My physical activity goal to start is to exercize for at least 45 mins. 4x week and work up from there. I used to be very active in all kinds of sports and activities, but have since become quite lazy.

I would love to have a group of friends for motivation and support, so anyone interested, please friend me.
I am still learning how the site works, so any tips would be appreciated!



  • nzdg6p
    nzdg6p Posts: 2 Member

    I have re-started as of today, I fell of the wagon but am determined to commit to be fit this time. I like you have a seditary job sitting behind a laptop for 8 hours. I just turned 38 on 9/15 and found out I have gained 25 pounds since last year this time. I am tall so it doesn't show that badly but I need to make a change. Just wanted to let you know you can do it and good luck!
  • amcmullan
    amcmullan Posts: 148 Member
    I would be glad to support you! We are all here for eachother thats what its all about! feel free to add me:)
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    You can do it! I don't use the site as often as I should but I DO use it to track my weight and measurements. I know my diet keeps me within my caloie goal on an average/normal day so I no longer track my food.
    I, too have a job where I am sedentary. I work out every morning at 5am. Between my working out and my diet changes I have a whole new outlook on things. I feel great, my cholesterol is all in good ranges (not optimal yet, but soon it will be), glucose is well under control, blood pressure is in normal range, and I have dropped 3 clothing sizes.

    As for accountability, I hold myself accountable when I falter and eat up the compliments that have started flooding in about my success. When I am discouraged or unmotivated, I let my inner goddess (she REALLY wants to be pretty and thin) yell at me and it forces me to remember how good I feel after working out. I love the feeling I get knowing I did everything I could to maintain my new healthy lifestyle. There is no better motivator than your own self conscience. Listen to to it. We are all here to cheer you on and look forward to seeing you succeed! :D

    Welcome to your new life :)
  • Smiffi1
    Smiffi1 Posts: 1 Member

    I have been using the phone app for this site for a couple of months and this is the first time I've used the website and forums. I wouldn't mind people adding me so we can support each other and chat about our goals. I'm tired of going it alone now.

    Look forward to hearing from you :)

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Add me if you want
  • Cookie0914
    Cookie0914 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm new to the site as well. I joined months ago but never utilized the site. I'm trying to get back on track because I really need to lose 30lbs. Last year I lost 20lbs using Weight Watchers but I've gained it all back. Hopefully being on here will keep me motivated and on track. Good luck to everyone on this weight lose journey!
  • gkc14
    gkc14 Posts: 7 Member
    I have not set up the phone app, but plan to do that when I go out (wi-fi is horrible in my office). Are you able to use all of the same things on the phone app as on here? Like access to the forums? Guess it doesnt really matter since during the day I will have this site up and access to it and then be able to track my phone and activity with my phone while i am out. I am excited to get started!
  • gkc14
    gkc14 Posts: 7 Member
    thanks everyone!!
    hopefully this will keep me motivated. I know we can all do this together. Support is the key!!
    good luck :)
  • Welcome :smile: and Well done on starting your Journey... Good luck. Feel free to add. I joined 2 months ago with my partner. I'm hoping to fight the flab for good this time
