Do you like what you are setting yourself up for?



  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I went grocery shopping earlier today and it still amazes me how I can walk by the chips aisle and the pop aisle, candy doesn't phase me at the checkout stand:laugh: You are so right, the more healthy I eat the more I love eating healthy stuff, it tastes great to me and I have lost I'd say 99% of any cravings. Although once in awhile I will crave something but it's not something I go for because first, it isn't in my house, and second, I reach for something good like a smoothee, nuts, cereal etc. I found the best granola, Bare Naked. I like that name because I want to look good bare naked, :laugh:

    The more I eat right the more I want to eat right. I'm learning to really enjoy food that is life-giving. I will never go back. Yes, I will keep eating this way for the rest of my life!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Love this, what a great job and what a success story. You really payed attention and figured things out. For me it was scarey to eat more, I still get a bit nervous when the fat doesn't come off as fast as I want it to but now I look more at the BIG picture(no pun intended)or the long run. I know one day I am going to measure my waist or maybe put on a pair of jeans that are shoved to the bottom of my drawer, and they are going to fit!! Then I can say, yep, I knew it would work, but seeing it work is even better;) denise:drinker:
    During my rapid weight loss last year (a 9 month period) there were 5 weeks of 600-800 cal... a few weeks of 1000 and the rest was 1200. I now am at least 1200 and with over portioning some day i mentally know i am getting in 1300-1400 and my weight is still coming off...but much slower which is fine by me. Maintenance is a whole new learning curve......and one i am slowly learning...something i never ventured into before because i went back to my normal way of eating and hey it just didnt work for me. I at one time felt i would forever be at 1000 cals...but no longer think that way. staying at 1000 cal and working out like a fool kept me stagnant. I slowed down...ate a few 100 more and things are going fine now....feeling my way around...allowing my body tell me how its going to be...i did that during my rapid weight loss...listened n watched and i do that big lesson i have learned and feel this will carry me into maintenance and keep me where i should be. mantaining a healthy lifestyle with exercise is a lifetime commitment for me. My relationship with food has changed and actually is in constant changing,...not only in body but in mind....the most important of all. Old triggers die hard... keeping mindful and aware of them and reacting with them keeps me on top of never returning to a lifestyle i once had.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I'm sure you've helped a lot of people already:) and you will be a wonderful mom too;) denise
    This is awesome to read because I haven't read about anyone going higher (than they saw they should) with working out and calories and then going down to 1700 or for better balance. Your story is equally important because it can go both ways can't it. I know there are lots of people out there working their bodies to death even though they are eating enough probably, for the workouts. I'm glad you found that balance and I am hoping you will continue to share it with others that might be doing the same thing and not realize it yet:)

    denise:flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:
    Well, I'm small...only 4'11 and I've been 10 pounds lighter...I was also working out for 30-60 minutes more than I do now (running 70 miles a week). I was eating ~2200 calories at that time...I looked AMAZING and I could probably sustain that level of activity for a long time--until life gets too serious but the havoc I was wreaking on my endocrine system and hormones were not worth it. I started thinking about what would happen if I could never have babies or if I developed's not something that I thought should be taken lightly. So, I stopped that. I'm now eating 1700 calories a day and losing slowly after having gained 10 pounds this summer. I think the balance that I've achieved is more than worth the short term increase in weight. Wherever my weight plateaus at my current intake is where it will be. I am happy with trusting my body and respecting what is HEALTHY FOR ME.

    Aww thanks. That's my help people who might not realize that there is more to life than what your body LOOKS like. I want to be a healthy mother--mentally and physically--and working my body to death would completely take away any shot at that.
  • Chandra_W
    Chandra_W Posts: 9 Member
    I think about this a lot too...I guess I'm a little different, because I'm diabetic (type 1), so really, diet and food has played a huge role in my life for close to 15 years. However, I went through a long period (still am in it, but trying to get out of it) of feeling like "...whatever" when it came to my diet.

    Now, that's not to say I am all about my "diet" now. I probably don't eat the BEST foods out there, but I try to keep my calories under 1810, and try to count my carbs so my blood sugars are lower. Also - I'm doing this so I can get my body ready to have a baby (I'm not pregnant, but us diabetics have to be pregnant before we're pregnant, lol), so I have more motivation...

    But who knows what the future holds, I try to stay realistic and right now what I'm doing isn't too intense and I can do it, of course it will get harder, but hopefully it will get easier at the same time.

    Good luck to you, hopefully in a year we will both be better :D
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I can't imagine what all that entails, being a diabetic, but I have heard that everyone can benefit from a diabetic "diet" yuck, hate that word diet :laugh: so I'll change it to diabetic nutrition, there, I feel better:laugh: The most important thing to me as that we are aware of our needs, aware of healthy alternatives etc. I just think so many of us get here with preconceived ideas on how this is going to work. Thanks to those that have gone before me, I've got to learn, some things I've learned early on where it may have been years before I knew some ways to win:)

    Glad we are all here for sure and not still out there treading water wondering what on Earth are we going to do. Here we get solid answers and see real life results:) :drinker: :drinker: Pretty blessed to find this site but especially the people on it:) denise:flowerforyou:
    I think about this a lot too...I guess I'm a little different, because I'm diabetic (type 1), so really, diet and food has played a huge role in my life for close to 15 years. However, I went through a long period (still am in it, but trying to get out of it) of feeling like "...whatever" when it came to my diet.

    Now, that's not to say I am all about my "diet" now. I probably don't eat the BEST foods out there, but I try to keep my calories under 1810, and try to count my carbs so my blood sugars are lower. Also - I'm doing this so I can get my body ready to have a baby (I'm not pregnant, but us diabetics have to be pregnant before we're pregnant, lol), so I have more motivation...

    But who knows what the future holds, I try to stay realistic and right now what I'm doing isn't too intense and I can do it, of course it will get harder, but hopefully it will get easier at the same time.

    Good luck to you, hopefully in a year we will both be better :D
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    You got it! I don't know where you got it but you found the answers and you are and will continue to be a success! If those are your children in the photo it also looks like they are blessed to have a smart mom;)

    denise:drinker: :drinker:

    It is what I call sustainability :)
    I don't want to lose a lot of weight fast, I don't want to lose more than a pound a week. I want to lose fat not muscle.
    I don't want to be dependant on a weight loss drink or any expensive products. Even mildly expensive products. No short cuts!
    I DO want to keep going to fit club, do piyo or zumba. Turbokick? and add to that! Instead of a movie on a sunday, canoeing or hiking. 5k's are a lot more fun than you'd think :)
    I DO want to keep learning more about lifting weights and build my muscle. Boosts to metabolism to help my weight look better on me.
    I DO want to eat enough calories and variety I don't feel depraved. I want to be able to go out once and a while or have a piece of birthday cake with frosting. Apple pie?
    I DO want to make simple substitutions that I can keep up for the rest of my life :) Almond milk, fat free cottage cheeses and fat free sour cream. whole grains and whole foods.
    I DO want to budget in extra for fresh asparagus, mixed salads and fruits :)

    My hard time is getting enough protein, I do use a whey powder for this. $15 for a month (actually 1.5 months) is pretty cheap compared to purchasing more from our deli. IT is really easy to make too for a busy day.
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    Those are my 3 boys :) Even at 4, 8 and 10 they know everything in moderation and keep finding ways to have fun and move. (thanks )
    You got it! I don't know where you got it but you found the answers and you are and will continue to be a success! If those are your children in the photo it also looks like they are blessed to have a smart mom;)

    denise:drinker: :drinker:

    It is what I call sustainability :)
    I don't want to lose a lot of weight fast, I don't want to lose more than a pound a week. I want to lose fat not muscle.
    I don't want to be dependant on a weight loss drink or any expensive products. Even mildly expensive products. No short cuts!
    I DO want to keep going to fit club, do piyo or zumba. Turbokick? and add to that! Instead of a movie on a sunday, canoeing or hiking. 5k's are a lot more fun than you'd think :)
    I DO want to keep learning more about lifting weights and build my muscle. Boosts to metabolism to help my weight look better on me.
    I DO want to eat enough calories and variety I don't feel depraved. I want to be able to go out once and a while or have a piece of birthday cake with frosting. Apple pie?
    I DO want to make simple substitutions that I can keep up for the rest of my life :) Almond milk, fat free cottage cheeses and fat free sour cream. whole grains and whole foods.
    I DO want to budget in extra for fresh asparagus, mixed salads and fruits :)

    My hard time is getting enough protein, I do use a whey powder for this. $15 for a month (actually 1.5 months) is pretty cheap compared to purchasing more from our deli. IT is really easy to make too for a busy day.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I don't know how that works but I suspect it is slowly introducing foods back into your daily calories and keeping on with some exercise. You are aware of it and honest about not wanting to live on 1200 cals forever I suspect you will do great!! I think that is the whole deal right there, being aware of what you want for the long run and striving for that goal:)

    denise:drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    I am quite sure that I cannot continue at 1200 net calories per day for the rest of my days, but I am working hard at losing 35 lbs. right now (at about a pound or so per week). I'm not in a big hurry, but I want my results managable and PERMANENT. Once there, I know that I'll be allowed 1600 net cal. to maintain that new weight. Looking forward to those add'l. calories. Those additional 400 or so calories will make all the difference, and maintenence, theoretically, should be easier than loss, as long as I do not stop tracking my calories after reaching my goal. :)
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    That's cool because it reminds me of better days when kids were taught those things instead of being led to believe more is better. I'm sure you know what I mean. Even now I am still learning to enjoy what I have, not long for what I don't have;) 3 boys, wonderful! Oh yeah, we climbed trees, made our own rafts, and were outside all day when the weather was good:) We couldn't stand being cooped up in the house:laugh:
    Those are my 3 boys :) Even at 4, 8 and 10 they know everything in moderation and keep finding ways to have fun and move. (thanks )
    You got it! I don't know where you got it but you found the answers and you are and will continue to be a success! If those are your children in the photo it also looks like they are blessed to have a smart mom;)

    denise:drinker: :drinker:

    It is what I call sustainability :)
    I don't want to lose a lot of weight fast, I don't want to lose more than a pound a week. I want to lose fat not muscle.
    I don't want to be dependant on a weight loss drink or any expensive products. Even mildly expensive products. No short cuts!
    I DO want to keep going to fit club, do piyo or zumba. Turbokick? and add to that! Instead of a movie on a sunday, canoeing or hiking. 5k's are a lot more fun than you'd think :)
    I DO want to keep learning more about lifting weights and build my muscle. Boosts to metabolism to help my weight look better on me.
    I DO want to eat enough calories and variety I don't feel depraved. I want to be able to go out once and a while or have a piece of birthday cake with frosting. Apple pie?
    I DO want to make simple substitutions that I can keep up for the rest of my life :) Almond milk, fat free cottage cheeses and fat free sour cream. whole grains and whole foods.
    I DO want to budget in extra for fresh asparagus, mixed salads and fruits :)

    My hard time is getting enough protein, I do use a whey powder for this. $15 for a month (actually 1.5 months) is pretty cheap compared to purchasing more from our deli. IT is really easy to make too for a busy day.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I have thought about this and I am fine with eating like this the rest of my life. I've only started 10 days ago, and I'm talking as if it will work for me for sure, although I know it's still too early to tell, but what I am doing is eating a fairly low-carb diet plan (20% carb - 35% protein - 45% fat) with restricted caloric intake (1300 calories) and eating every 3 hours (3 meals, 2 snacks).

    So far it's been fantastic! I'm never starving, and occasionally my stomach will start to rumble and I'll look at the clock and realize it's a meal or snack time, and what I eat satisfies me until my next meal. I drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water a day, when before I drank about none. The low-carbness has done nothing negative to my energy levels - of course, I'm not nearly as low-carb as some people. I get to eat a lot of my favorites, including taco salad, cheeseburger patties, omelets, fish, cheese…

    I do have a hard time with my cravings for sugar, desserts, chocolate milk, potatoes, bread, and pasta…but I want to be skinny way more than I want those, and I just keep reminding myself of that, lol. Also, I did cheat this past weekend, and just told myself to move on, when, on other diets, that would have been the end of the diet, with this one, this time, I’ve been able to get right back on track. So that also helps me to think it won’t be too hard to maintain after I reach my goal weight – I’ll allow myself to “cheat” on special occasions, and then I’ll just get right back on track. That’s the plan anyway. :)

    I purposefully made this diet NOT too restrictive with the long-term in mind, which is why my calories aren’t set at 1000, and my carbs aren’t set at just 5%. I’ve failed at every other diet, or lifestyle change, if you’d rather, that I’ve tried. This time I made up my own plan, and it’s also the first time I’ve tried low-carb, and so far (and again, I know it’s early) it seems like it’s going to be the one that works best for me. *Crossing fingers!* :)

    The key to success Stefani is not to deprive yourself of your favorite foods, eventually you will be able to eat more than 1200. You are doing great and you got the right mind set to make sure you get right back on track the next day. We all need those cheat days or meals but the main thing is to make sure you get right back on track and look at this as a change of eating habits instead of a diet. Hope it works out well for you
  • Chandra_W
    Chandra_W Posts: 9 Member
    I've noticed, and this is probably why they say the slower the loss the longer the results, that even when I had some "off days" and didn't log and didn't really care how much I ate, I ate much less than I used to.

    Like before I started really trying to hunker down and stay below my 1810 (which, I'll admit, I still go over, but I try to not by much), I was eating 2500-3000 cal/day or more, since I ate out 2-3 a day. Now, even on the days when I was going through some stuff and didn't care about my diet, I still ended up losing a pound.

    So maybe, MAYBE, since we're taking this all slow, once we get to our goals, it will be so apart of us, and our bodies will be so used to this amount of food...that we won't overdo it like before?