What counts as "water"?

So I'm usually pretty good about drinking 5-6 8oz glasses of 'plain' water a day. However, I need a change up during the day and will usually pour a packet of crystal light energy mix into my bottle of water. Otherwise, I'll grab a bottle of Sobe from the store. Can I log this as glasses of water? The sobe does usually have some carbs in it but that's it. The crystal light packs include caffeine.


  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Anything that doesn't have caffeine in it I include in my daily water intake, including soup broth. I've seen some people on here say it's ok to include green tea in their water, but I think green tea does have some caffeine and I wouldn't include it. Caffeine is the opposite of hydration. That's just my humble opinion, though.

    Edit: Alcohol definitely shouldn't count either!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Purists will say no. Realists will say yes.

    I don't count soda towards my water intake, but I do count Gatorade or Crystal Light.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    General rule...if it contains caffeine or sodium, don't count it.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    If it's got calories I log it separately, like a gatorade or a SoBe, etc. But I don't even log my water because I drink so much of it. I have bottles I refill constantly through the day. I'm surprised I haven't worn a tread in the office carpet between my desk and the bathroom.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I count everything without caffeine. I even count things like jello, broth, ect.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    "water" counts as water \m/
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    So I'm usually pretty good about drinking 5-6 8oz glasses of 'plain' water a day. However, I need a change up during the day and will usually pour a packet of crystal light energy mix into my bottle of water. Otherwise, I'll grab a bottle of Sobe from the store. Can I log this as glasses of water? The sobe does usually have some carbs in it but that's it. The crystal light packs include caffeine.

    Yes, any liquid can be logged as water.
  • JohnMessmer
    i count just the Water, but anything that brings water to your system could legitimately be counted, even high water fruits like watermelon.
  • xoyasminxo
    ALI only log the actual water as my water. Anything else I log in the food diary as tea, coffee, etc. I would log homemade infused water as water too. Ie water with cucumber, lemon, rosemary, basil, etc.
  • Preesy
    Here's another thought for you... (and what I do myself. Water after water after water after water gets boring... just like reading that!)

    Say you have a 16.9 ounce bottle of water, log 2 cups of water in your water intake.

    THEN, say you take a packet of Crystal Light Energy, log that under whatever meal or "snack" you're looking at, or even make a separate category for drinks, however you feel best classifying it.

    You are still consuming the water, and you're still consuming the Crystal Light packet. It matters not really if they're mixed together or if they're separate. Because you know, if you drank the water, then ate the crystals out of the packet you'd count it separately, right? (Please don't do it that way, those crystals just sound gross in that respect!!)

    This is YOUR diet, and YOUR body you're putting it into. Honestly water is water, and it's going to make you pee more whether or not it tastes like water or if it tastes like peach mango. Just be honest with yourself and if it really bothers you to classify your water infused with Crystal Light as water, then just don't log it there.

    I don't drink coffee or tea so I never really thought about how I'd log those, but items like Sobe and other bottled items (I don't drink them either, but they fall under pre-packaged items in my opinion so I'd log them as such) I'd just log it in as an item not as water. Once you get all the stuff in those bottles it really isn't like water anymore. Broths and bouillons would likely be something I don't count either because of higher sodium content.
  • Penfoldsplace
    Water is water, just because it has some flavouring in it does not make any difference.

    And just because it contains caffeine does not make it non hydrating. Caffeine is a mild diuretic but your cup of tea is still made of water.
  • MsMartyMac
    I guess I'm a purist or a "lunatic obsessive compulsive" as My husband likes to say!!! I only count the water unless I go over the eight - 8oz glasses, then I count the crystal light and other non-caffeine, non-sugary liquids as water. I figure if my body has to filter to much stuff it probably shouldn't be counted as water. See...told you I was a lunatic.