My nose tempts me, oh and Hubbs isn't helping!

Ang8178 Posts: 308
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I got up this morning to fix myself Dannon light and fit with 1/4 serving of Kashi granola mixed in. As I'm making my breakfast my husband is in the kitchen frying up andouille sausage, potatoes o'brian and a side of tortillas!!! :grumble: I stayed strong and ate my yogurt while giving him the stink eye.

I know he's not the one watching his weight, he's never had too, but my mouth was watering and still is! He does eat like this almost 3-4 times aday!!! Sooo hard for me to smell what he's cooking and sometimes puts me in a bad mood!:explode: Grrrrr, anyone else live in a house where you may eat different than your partner? Any tips?
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