New Year, New Me! This is MY Year!!!

lahlie Posts: 149 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Ok, so holiday and new year chaos is over....finally!!! Here and now, this Monday morning, I am committing myself to me! I am gonna lose this weight THIS YEAR! I am committing to logging in everyday (if nothing more than logging through my iphone), eating healtiher, exercising at least 5 days a week, and beginning and completing the C25K 9-week training program so that I can begin running 5Ks in the spring. I began the 1st day of my "clease and detox" a la Jillian Michaels. I hope this helps a little. And instead of "dieting" I am just gonna follow the goals set up for me here. Ok. I think I am rambling now. I would love to get to know y'all that are going through this journey too.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,340 Member
    Welcome lamardis.

    Take it one day at a time, and do what you can when you can. It is really tough to start all those goals at once. We have all been where you are, and I remember feeling overwhelmed at all the things I thought I needed to do to lose the weight.

    Then I broke it down to manageable pieces. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

    Log food, drink water, come here and read all the great information and motivating stories. Exercise some but don't kill yourself or you may get discouraged. All I did was walk for the first two months and I lost 12 pounds. The fitness comes slowly, as do the good choices. You will have days when you are less than perfect. It's okay! Get back on track.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    :smile: Me too, when the new year hit, I realized once AGAIN I needed to make some changes if I'm going to feel good about myself. Best of wishes to you.
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