Progress Reports

Is there a place where I can find a report that tells me how much I will weigh if I continue eating the way I've been eating? I know that when I submit my totals for the day it says "if you continue eating this way you will weight this much in 5 weeks" Is there another place I can find my progress based on the last few weeks of eating?

Example: Look at the past few weeks of eating and calculate the calorie totals about them tell me based on what I've eaten what I could weigh in 2 weeks, 1 month, 6 months etc.


  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    They're probably some out there on the web but I wouldn't give it a second look as weight loss is not linear. You would have the same results as if you just calculated how much you lost a week x the number of weeks out your trying to look at. But do remember that it will not be very accurate.