Christmas blues.

I've just been caught off guard with a very... odd question I haven't otherwise thought about. I was talking with my mum about Christmas (she got two little santa suits from B&M's for a pound each for the cats - they are irresistibly adorable and I'm sure my cats will be in them for a whopping 0.1 seconds but oh well) and she suddenly asked if I'd "treat myself" at Christmas and have a Christmas dinner.

We go up to my Grandma's house and have it with her and my Auntie who is a wonderful, wonderful cook. Usually roast potatoes, lots of veggies, a fine cut of meat smothered in gravy, stuffing and then a menagerie of cakes and nibbles for pud. I sort of froze up I guess because I understand my calorie intake a day is a lot lower now, and I suppose I've got it in my mind that if I have one day of hearty food I'll put on every last pound that I've lost and become a big obese beast.

So... yes, just worried about what to do at Christmas. Anyone else having the same trouble?


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    There's a post on this going already.

    Lots of people plan to indulge and then get back on track, after all 1 day never made anyone fat.

    I personally am planning on watching my calories, having a couple of small treats but not going overboard.

    Do what's best for you. :smile:
  • gracieabem
    What to do at Christmas? Enjoy the meal. Eat what you want. Don't eat what you don't want to eat. It's Christmas! :-)
  • aforange
    aforange Posts: 116 Member
    Oh bugger! Only just noticed the other topic. :embarassed:

    Sorry about the post lovely ladies and gents, my brain isn't working today!
  • KristysLosing
    I concur. It's one day, so enjoy the Christmas meal! You don't have to go crazy, epecially on the snacks, but enjoy yourself. That one day won't through your MFP life out of wack if you come back to it the next day! :smile:
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I say get a small scoop worth of each thing you want and be honest with yourself. If you don't want to gorge, dont. Plan on one dessert, or half & half of 2 things. OR spread it out! Have your smothered meat/gravy and a bigger helping of veggies! you can be smart and still eat.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Totally agree with Littlemissdov. Do what feels right for YOU. The average gain for non-dieters is 5-7lbs over the Christmas period because no matter what anyone says, its not just one day. Have a nice time at your grans, enjoy your food, have a few treats and be happy, you'll know when to stop so stop :)
    Im planning on enjoying everything but in much much smaller portions than last year (seriously... a whole plum pudding to myself was not clever)
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi to be honest I will enjoy the day but I dont plan to go overthe top (but thats my choice). My downfall will be the alcohol so I will need to watch my intake and I will be going to the gym in between the break (well thats the plan). I plan to enjoy my meal on Christmas Day and Boxing Day (going to my inlaws) after that I will be back on track until New Year Eve when we will probably be going out.:smokin:
  • aforange
    aforange Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks everyone, I think I will treat myself, but of course not go over the top. I just know what I'm like around sweet things so will just have to sternly tell myself to put down de cake and not dive face first into a bucket of pudding. I think it's mainly the flaming selection boxes and boxes of choccies (a hearty tin of Roses and Christmas TV anyone?) that used to get me. I'll keep it pegged down to one or two days of yum and just be careful for the rest, then I don't look like the diet Grinch and make my poor Gran upset (who seems to always get distressed when you don't eat the 1039734834 items she consecutively offers you in a time scale of about 20 minutes).
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I agree with mamamc03 :)
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Thanks everyone, I think I will treat myself, but of course not go over the top. I just know what I'm like around sweet things so will just have to sternly tell myself to put down de cake and not dive face first into a bucket of pudding. I think it's mainly the flaming selection boxes and boxes of choccies (a hearty tin of Roses and Christmas TV anyone?) that used to get me. I'll keep it pegged down to one or two days of yum and just be careful for the rest, then I don't look like the diet Grinch and make my poor Gran upset (who seems to always get distressed when you don't eat the 1039734834 items she consecutively offers you in a time scale of about 20 minutes).

    Those bloody tins of Roses are KILLER right? I sat with one on my lap last Christmas and didnt stop until only the fruit fondant and coffee ones were left! I think all Grans are the same, you sit down you must eat, you stand up you must eat, you go to the bathroom she'll follow you with a sandwich!
    Dont stress too much, have fun and if you do have a sneaky treat DANCE IT OFF!