In the world of dating...



  • Worst date ever:

    I was in college, this guy that I was blind dating called me up while I was working on my forensic finals and then just showed up and took me to dinner AT 10 AT NIGHT! I was like O.o...I have 8 pages left of this final to do (it was take home), and he wants to take me to dinner and EVERYTHING WAS CLOSED plus I had already ate. So I ate half of my meal, then I figured we would go home. Nope. We drove all over the freakin state till 5 a.m. and no I'm not joking. He wanted to show me all the old vehicles he liked that were for sale. I got my final done, got an A and never heard from him again. Was FINE by me. I kept thinking he was going to aduct me and kill me at the rate he kept going.

    Best date ever.....I think that's going to happen on Halloween with my boyfriend. But I have to say me and him going to the zoo and him not saying a word about how I so acted like a kid in a candy store squealing in glee at the polar bears and the lorakeets and getting to hand feed them, and the manatees, yeah...I loved it. And he was laughing cause I wanted pictures and he would let me take all the ones I wanted and just stand back and watch.
  • Lizlicious2187
    Lizlicious2187 Posts: 178 Member
    Ok so i had this all typed out and my computer decided to erase it :( Anyyywho. Most of my dates from online sites were mediocre at best. But one took the cake. I talked to the guy for an hour before we met and he seemed nice enough..a little over eager to meet but nice. So we go to the movies and he picks the And we were the only two in the theater. awwwkward turtle. Halfway through he decides he wants to hold my hand. Dude first date. Personal space. But I didn't know how to let him down so I let him hold my mistake. I finally wriggled away and freed my hand. After the movie we decide to get dinner. On he drive over he proceeds to tell me about his ex and how she screwed him over and his recent failures at dating. I check my phone out of habit and he jokinly ask who are who texting, your mom? I just kind of the night before we talked about how my mother had passed away a couple of months prior....yeaaah. I politely told him no and asked if he remembered that I told him she had passed. He was horrified. I told him it was okay which I meant because it was an honest mistake. We go to dinner and the he mainly talks about his ex and asks me about my dating life. He kept saying how pretty I was and how he already really liked me and maybe he won't be single for long if things go well. Once again dude..we just met. I offered to pay since he paid for the movie and he seemed offended that i even asked. He said he was a southern gentleman and a woman should never pay blah blah...this went on for a good 10 minutes. After he walked me to my car and we hugged he asked me to call him when I got home. I said okay and was on my way. I was about 10 mins from my house when he blew up my phone 3 or 4 times but I didn't hear it since it was on vibrate. i finally called him back and he proceeded to once again apologize and say he was nervous and not himself. I said it was fine and I would hang out with him again soon. I get home and he wants to talk on the phone again. We talk about what we are going to do on the second date and once again he says, maybe if date 2 goes well I'll have a girlfriend. :huh: I finally had to just ask what he meant and then he started to backtrack a little bit when I informed him that I didn't want to rush into anything serious (as stated on my profile). He told me he thought I was judging him and putting words in his mouth and I politely said well no,you've been saying these things. I was just getting the stage 5 clinger vibe from him so I decided to tell him maybe we should just be friends because I thought we were looking for two different things. He starts raising his voice and telling me that I shouldn't lead people on and that I was getting the wrong idea. I said I was sorry but I just didn't see it going anywhere. Then the southern gentleman called me an *kitten* and hung up. He calls back to apologize and says maybe we can still see how things go. :noway: uhhh sorry dude but no thanks. I said you know what I don't think so. I don't appreciate you calling me an *kitten* so perhaps we should just part ways and good luck to you. So i go on POF about 5 mins later and in my inbox I have a nice paragraph as long as this post about how I shouldn't lead people on and I need to be more honest about what I'm looking for. Needless to say, that is the last time I went on POF. Best. date. eveeer. I know i'm not perfect and probably could have handled the situation a little better as well but homeboy was just cray cray.

  • lucero22
    lucero22 Posts: 75 Member
    Hahaha yea ole boy sounds like he was real strange! I think you handled the situation like anyone of us would've handled it.
  • lucero22
    lucero22 Posts: 75 Member
    Ha! You should've told her I wish you wouldn't try to run my life! Lol