are you a flamingo? :p (gym nicknames)



  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    we had a guy at the gym that had the most amazing calves. He had been lifitng for years and was huge but actually had quite the *gut*..his calves were perfect tho.... Most of us that trained on the *hard core* side of the gym were so jealous that we would whisper amongst ourselves that he had calf implants
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    The guys with the huge upper body and skinny *kitten* legs, i call them Johnny Bravo lol..
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    The guys with the huge upper body and skinny *kitten* legs, i call them Johnny Bravo lol..

    lmao idk why dudes out here aspiring to be built like a food-decorating-pick-bento-food-pick-superman-shield.jpg
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    At my gym, there is "douche". I see him and just say to myself "Douche is here this morning again." WHat makes him a douche, you ask? There is 1 squat rack in my gym in the back corner. He pulls a bench right in front of it so no one can get in it. Then he has an extra bar with weights, the squat bar with weights, he takes about 4 different sizes of dumbbells and does his workout. In the corner, all alone, blocking the only squat rack in the place. Yes, I could ask him to move the bench, the extra bar with weights, the dumbbells so I can use the squat rack. But I've asked him before if I could simply use his 15 lb weights in between his sets and he gave me a dirty look and said "No. I'm using them." I timed him. They sat there for 23 minutes while he did other stuff!!!
    Wanna know what makes him a SUPER douche? HE DOESN'T SQUAT IN THE SQUAT RACK!!! Never have I seen him do squats or any other exercise that would require a squat rack.
    So-please don't be a DOUCHE!
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    At my gym, there is "douche". I see him and just say to myself "Douche is here this morning again." WHat makes him a douche, you ask? There is 1 squat rack in my gym in the back corner. He pulls a bench right in front of it so no one can get in it. Then he has an extra bar with weights, the squat bar with weights, he takes about 4 different sizes of dumbbells and does his workout. In the corner, all alone, blocking the only squat rack in the place. Yes, I could ask him to move the bench, the extra bar with weights, the dumbbells so I can use the squat rack. But I've asked him before if I could simply use his 15 lb weights in between his sets and he gave me a dirty look and said "No. I'm using them." I timed him. They sat there for 23 minutes while he did other stuff!!!
    Wanna know what makes him a SUPER douche? HE DOESN'T SQUAT IN THE SQUAT RACK!!! Never have I seen him do squats or any other exercise that would require a squat rack.
    So-please don't be a DOUCHE!

    Oh I would be getting somebody to talk to him about that. My gym has time limit rules on their machines, and if I have to abide by them, everybody does. I'm not one for tattling (like I don't tell on people who rest between sets on machines or don't clean machines) but his behavior effects everyone!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I always love the guys flexing and posing in the mirror...they are called "peacocks"...always showing off, even if they have itty bitty muscles, lol.

    ^^ This; but don't forget the gals that get all dressed up nice n pretty; hair fixed and makeup on dressed to the 9's only in mini gym clothing. I can't say I ever saw one beak a sweat or lift a weight; but they do preen in the mirrors in the weight guess is they're trolling not working out.

    I don't care about any of this anymore; we got rid or our $2k a year gym membership and bought our own gym equipment. Maybe my gym isn't that big in my house (15'x 15' and vaulted ceiling) but we managed to fit all our equipment in there (free weights, weight been, boflex, treadmill, bike) and still have room to do pushups, walking lunges, burpies, whatever it is on the program for the day (I like the Tough Mudder Bootcamp...though currently recovering from whiplash so not doing this right now...can't wait to do it again; I miss it)
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    At my gym we have "Pony Girls" (not that kind for all you dirty minds out there)

    Pony Girls are young, leggy thoroughbreds, with long tails that swish from side to side as the trot gently on the treadmill. They have trouble lifting weights with their dainty little hooves. They are easily startled by others pounding on the treadmill or banging weights near them and can go into shock if they break a sweat. They are delicate little things that need to be constantly reassured by their friends via mobile phones that they are cool and pretty. :laugh:

    LOL! Yep; I've seen these too! ^-^
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Okay, I know this is my third post...but this stuff is funny; and I just thought of the guy (stinky pizza guy) from the Coast Guard. The guy was an animal (and not in a good way); he could bench press 350 or maybe 400 lbs. But MAN he worked NOTHING else EVER! He had the BIGGEST stomach (and no muscle elsewhere). Anyway, he was in my duty group and I ALWAYS had to stand duty with him and he ALWAYs left the gate shack (we used to sing Love Shack as "Gate Shack"; my now husband and I) stinky, nasty. He ate a large pizza or two every duty night and let me tell you it was the smelliest ever....for some reason I was always had guard duty AFTER him and I got stuck with a stinky gate shack. GACK!

    I know I went off on a tangent...but had to tell you why I called him stinky pizza guy.