Rough week, need encouragement.

So last week went fabulous. I lost 2lbs, worked out every day - and worked out HARD. Friday and Saturday I worked out the hardest I ever have (2hrs each day).

Thursday I had started having small heart palpitations, that lasted a few seconds, left me a little out of breath, and made me anxious. So I called my Dr. and made an appointment on wens. Went in Wens, and had a full check out - full blood panel, ekg.. etc.
Everything came back clean. They have no idea why my heart will randomly pick up in speed, and then go back down. My next option is wearing a heart monitor for 24 hours, which my insurance will not cover. . . so I'm not sure if I'm going to do it.

My doctor said to keep working out, because there is no pain, and its when I'm not working out that my heart does it, but honestly? I'm scared. I need encouragement to get working out hard again (I've been doing 30 min a day, very light belly dancing) and just need someone to get me moving. Just scared, thats all.

She did say she was impressed with my weight loss so far, and was extremely excited for me, and laughed and then squealed a little when I told her I was using MFP, because apparently her husband introduced her to it and she loves this site instead of "Fad diets, or starvation diets" :)


  • I used diet pills a long time ago, which since have been taken off the market- which screwed up my heart rhythm, but for years I have had that wierd heart thing like you mentioned. I used to be scared to work out- I didn't for years because of it. I had the exams and rays and all that and they cleared me too for exercise but it still made me nervous. If they say you're ok, then you're most likey ok ! :) It's better to exercise and be healthy than sit because youre scared. One time I swore I was having a heart attack and I called 911 ( I wasn't - lol) After that, I realized the fear was in my head :) Good luck
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    You just made me feel a lot better, thank you.
    I felt so good working out, and I've felt like such a blob this week just doing the 30 minutes, so I really want to just..

    Probably just super anxiety issues.. lol.
  • Wow, I'm glad I helped! Yeah, when the ambulance came( how embarrasing) it was a freakin panic attack and not a heart attack! I was or sure the exercise caused it but I think they thought I was cuckoo LOL For a couple years I would keep my phone by me just in case...haha I'm better now. And you're young! The odds of you having a heart attack while exercising, and after they said nothing was wrong with you is probably non- existent :)
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    Thank you :) I really do appreciate the support.

    Going to go work out now. :) Thank you Momma4loca!
  • One more thing- if it is panic attacks, you can talk yourself out of them- I used to do that. I would say" OK the doctors all say you're fine. You don't have some dread disease they're missing. You are NOT having a heart attack." The feeling would go away after a few minutes witha few deep breaths. I don't get them anymore ... And you are welcome:)
  • mllst18
    mllst18 Posts: 188 Member
    One more thing- if it is panic attacks, you can talk yourself out of them- I used to do that. I would say" OK the doctors all say you're fine. You don't have some dread disease they're missing. You are NOT having a heart attack." The feeling would go away after a few minutes witha few deep breaths. I don't get them anymore ... And you are welcome:)

    I agree! Keep up the good work and the progress! If your doctor said working out is fine, then trust the expert!
  • Keep at it even if its small things lower weights slower pace keep at it if the dr is giving you Clearence. I had the same thing turned out I was dehydrated.. Just take it easy but stay active!
  • paisley55
    paisley55 Posts: 4 Member
    If your heart rate doesn't go through the roof while you're exercising and the Dr. says you're ok, go for it. Sometimes caffiene will trip my heart up, so will some allergy meds. Keep going!! They dehydration is a good point too. Keep an eye on that. Good luck to you, I'm just starting.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    very well could be panic attacks but if happening during excercise, I'd make sure you are breathing normally during the exercise. Many times, people will hold breath as they exert which cause the heart to race or even skip irregularly. I worked out for years but still experienced this last year when starting back up. Good luck!