Making pre-made food healthier

Having a busy schedule means eating pre-made food a lot.
Does anyone have any tricks on what to add to pre-made food to make it healthier- or to stretch things to a 2nd meal?


  • pinkyleigh83
    pinkyleigh83 Posts: 148 Member
    I automatically thought "chicken rotisserie."

    A million different things you could do with one, easy ones being sandwiches, wraps & salads. Just remove the skin. I often just eat mine without anything else. And one of those could last lots of meals!
  • iron93
    erm make more food?
    Are you prepping food just for one meal?

    Make bigger proportions. If you know you wont have access to good clean food for x amount of meals.. then plan ahead. Make a big batch of vegs .... big batch of rice .. etc ... stick it all in tupperware and in the fridge