New to Site. Weigh 161 currently looking to be 145

Ok so I have been on the weight roller coaster for about all of my 27 years. I was thin and then fat. At my heaviest I weighed well over 400 lbs. I am 5'3 and seriously need to lose the weight for my health. I am posting a pic of myself taking a few weeks ago at the Washington Incline in Pittsburgh, this pic will be my profile pic as I do not know how to add them here. I hope I am able to work off the weight. I have started tracking my food (something I had never done) and have been working out (I am so sore). Wish me luck.


  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I am 28 from iran. I do swimming for 9 years and occasionally weight training.
    I am stil thinking wich one is better. swimming or gym?
  • nalley80
    nalley80 Posts: 6 Member
    For me in losing the weight I have it has been a slow journey but I found a better rounded loss with swimming laps.