Random ABC game...



  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Now, look what the cat drug in :laugh:

    I have been missing you :love:
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Oh, you're making me blush! Yes, it has been a while since I've been up late, which is good and bad. Good that I get to see you; bad that I'm not sleeping!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Perhaps I am being selfish...I know when you are not here u are sleeping and in my world SLEEP IS A GOOD THING !!!
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Quite right. Nothing beats a good night's sleep.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Really hope I am able to get some real sleep over my xmas vacation
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    So then I hope you do!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Thanks...lots to do between now and xmas day
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Understandable. Very busy time of year.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Very stressful too
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Why yes. I do believe that explains my absence yesterday.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Xactly my thoughts
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    You have a good night and a great weekend. I'm off to try and finish the rest of my sleeping. Hugs!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    ZZZZ's we all need zz's
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Alright....we finally got some snow !!
  • avlama
    avlama Posts: 502 Member
    because the world didn't end....i had to come to work :-(
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    And things you say in the bedroom ....go.

    anytime babe....the money's on the counter.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    because the world didn't end....i had to come to work :-(

    Can't wait til tonight when the holiday begins.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Do you guys really not get it.......supposed to start a new topic each time (yes I started this with D on purpose.....the point remains some people can't comprehend what they read or can't read at all)
  • avlama
    avlama Posts: 502 Member
    es solo un juego...there
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    facil.......y los idiotas no lo entiendo