im new here!

HI everyone! Im new to myfitnesspal & i got introduced from my sister whose been finding this very helpful in her weight loss. i would love to hear any motivation stories or recipe suggestions! please add me as a friend:))


  • chocohollic
    chocohollic Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I'm new here too - this is my first week...don't have a success story to give as yet, but could offer motivation and you do the same?! Have added you!

  • suzieq1487
    suzieq1487 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new here too!
    In May this year, I hit my all time high of 202 (!!) at 5'9. This was especially frustrating for me because I have a very healthy vegetarian diet, but I wasn't working out very often (I'd sort of given up, because I'd been yo-yo exercising for about two years and I was really impatient). I knew I had to do something about it when I started avoiding mirrors, using large handbags to cover my frame, and generally hiding anytime there was a camera anywhere in the vicinity.
    After some changes to my exercise routine (there's nothing like a good workout mix to get you going!) and some healthy eating (rice once a week, more veggies), i lost 20 pounds. I'm now 182. If I can do it, so can you. For all you lazy girls out there, I totally get you! I hate exercise, I HATE cutting down on food, so I've managed to strike a balance between allowing myself something nice once in a while (usually once a week, rice is my weakness) and being disciplined.
    I'm 25 and don't have kids, so there really is no excuse for why I've ballooned so much (my standard weight was 145 pounds three years ago). Cannot wait to get back to 145-155!