really reduced calories/metabolism help :)



  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    What I would actually like to see more people talking about are daily macronutrients, minerals and vitamin needs and how to access them in daily food, as opposed to this obsession with calorie deficits.
    Me too, perhaps you should start a thread in Food & Nutrition about it.

    I spent some time on a micronutrients site putting together 1200 calories that met recommended intakes and it was hard work !
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Alzaman, you bring up some good points.. i would agree that we should concentrate on nurtients, macronutrients and minerals but i would suggest its not possible to get enough for your body unless you eat enough. I think we can all agree that you will not get adequate protein at 700 calories. Now they reason i run numbers for people is two fold; its tangible and its proven time and time again to be very effective. I have continuously help people cut fat, lose weight and become fit (while maintaining their lbm). Now in terms of your situation. I would have to ask how you measure your body fat; was it through body fat calipers, dexa scan or a bioimpedence machine (scale or hand held). If its the latter then i would suggest another approach as the bio machines can be vastly in accurate. It is actually acceptable and common to lose 10% of your weight from lbm. Your body only stores so much glycogen and you only have so much in your fat stores as noted in the link below. This is actually whyni suggest 20% below tdee to make it a bit more adaptive to the personally. Another purpose for this is to teach people that food is not the enemy. In fact, i have helped several women break this mentality that you need to eat less than 1200 calories to lose weight. And many of these women are eating 1700-2000 calories. I al not saying this to toot my own horn so i dont hope you take it that way, but i hope you realize that you can eat high calories and still be healthy. Back to the macronutients and vitamins, there is a lot of advice people ask through pm and that is generally when i get in more details. I always suggest getting most their carbs from fruits and veggies (for fiber as well) and most their proteins and fats from lean meats and fish. They are calories dense and loaded with goodness. In fact i eat fairly paleo to help me reduce my sodium. I found that when i ate grains and lots of dairy i was eating 5000 mg of sodium a day. Hope this helps... but i definitely see what you are coming from.. cheers.