SERIOUSLY 1 LB!!!!????



  • nabak147112
    nabak147112 Posts: 105 Member
    i would use 1 scale and go by that scale and weigh urself the same time each time(i do mine first thing in the morning after i get up and use the restroom and unclothed) the 10 lbs could be because of the different scales and water loss. and 1 lb is good. they say a healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. keep up the great job
  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    I think you are using a skewed starting point since your digital scale and dr. office scale were not calibrated the same. 1lb a week is excellent and a lot of work. More importantly, it's safe. My doctor's office weight is never less than 6-7lbs different than my home scale and my home scale is usually a couple of lbs off of my gym scale. Stick with one and use it as a barometer.

    This. Use your starting weight from your scale at home. 1 lb in a week is great progress- don't expect to see huge drop offs like you see on TV- that's unrealistic and requires more time than most people can afford in their daily lives.
  • sheribrasington
    After losing 10 lbs most of it was extra fluid. One pond a week is not a bad weight loss, although I would like it to be more myself. I was stuck and actually gained 4-6 lbs of fluid and it took me two weeks to get it off. Being frustrated, it finally did and so did more added pounds along with it. Just hang in there, if you stick to what you are suppose to do eat healthy and get moderate exercise, it will come off. I keep feeling myself it did not get on there overnight and it is going to be at least twice as hard and as long to get it off but the light is at the end of the tunnel. Just don't give up.
  • Shambree813
    Shambree813 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies and information :). Because I was so shocked about my weight at the dr.s office I did weigh my self at home the same day and unfortunately the number was the same. So either both the scales are wrong or they are both accurate. But yes, my weigh ins are on friday mornings as soon as I get up, but I go to the bathroom first. I understand that it was probably water weight but since I'm huge I thought this week I would lose a little more than 1 lb. And yes 11 lbs in 11 days is great! But you all really cheered me up so thanks for that!:tongue:

    We'll do some simple math here.

    11lbs * 3,500 cal/lb = 38500 calories
    38500 calories / 11 days = 3,500 cal net burned a day

    Now go to your diary and take your daily caloric consumption, I can't see your diary but gto be generous I'll assume you're eating 1200.

    3500 = X - 1200
    X = 4700 calories to burn a day

    Then subtract your BMR, lets just say its 1500 for arguments sake.

    3200 calories is how much you have to burn through normal daily activity and exercise.

    Ways to accomplish this (must be done daily)
    160 Minutes of running 8 mph (7.5 minute miles, or 21 miles in under 3 hours)
    500 Minutes of walking (2.5mph, liesurely, or walked almost 21 miles, just over 8 hours time)
    150 Minutes of swimming at a fast pace with vigorous effort.

    So, like I said before, these losses are impossible short of a serious ailment, surgery, or losing a limb in a tragic accident. Weight loss done right is a marathon, not a sprint. Realize what is realistic and settle in for a long haul because that's how it's done properly.

    1lb a week is perfect, keep up the good work, I suspect that much at least is legitimate.

    ^^^^^^^^^ you explained what I was trying to say perfectly. It takes a lot of work just to lose one pound. I use to be the same way.... disappointed by small scale movements. Now I realize just how much work it takes to do it, sustain it, and keep it moving downward and have adjusted my attitude and expectations. I am thrilled when I lose a pound haha!
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    You can't lose 10 pounds in 4 days...think of how many factors could be at play...the most likely of which is that the scales aren't calibrated.
  • lionspride629
    lionspride629 Posts: 1 Member
    The exact same thing happened to me!!!! I was really gung-ho that I had done so well - this this week - 1lb. I couldn't believe it so I checked it out on a couple of different scales and they all read the same :sad:

    I'm not going to give up - I know I'm doing the right thing, but I am going to add in extra cardio.
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    so since Sept 10th you have lost 11lbs,today is the 21st so you did lost 11lbs in 11 days and you are unhappy with this?

    ^^^This :huh:
  • morah29
    morah29 Posts: 107
    always use the same scale.. some give different weights.. .dr's offices always either run high or low... I've noticed mine runs HIGH... also.. I gain 3-4 water pounds during my period... don't let it get you down... a pound a week is healthy.... keep up the good work
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    1 lb a week is really good and you should be proud of that!

    As for the initial 10 lb loss, could be many things. My weight fluctuates up to 10 lbs throughout the day because of water etc. If I weigh in the am, I weigh less than I do at noon and then another different weight at bedtime. You also may have been wearing something different and you were using different types of scales.

    It’s best to weigh in on the same scale at the same time of day on an empty belly and empty bladder. Preferably without clothing on so you know you are getting an accurate reading of what YOU weigh and not what your outfit weighs. For most people, the most convenient time to do this is in the AM, when they first wake up on their bathroom scale after they pee and before they shower.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Have you googled what a pound of fat looks like? It's pretty gross, be happy!

    I'd post a pic but have no idea how to on here!
  • Riggly27
    Riggly27 Posts: 23 Member
    My pic says it all. :)
  • kinghavok
    Tape measure is more accurate?
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    ive struggled with losing weight for 11 years...1 lb loss in a week is good, its better then gaining that is for sure, be happy with the fact that you lost 1 lb. In fact my settings on here are set for me to lose 1 lb per week so i would be ecstatic to see a deficit of 1 lb.
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies and information :). Because I was so shocked about my weight at the dr.s office I did weigh my self at home the same day and unfortunately the number was the same. So either both the scales are wrong or they are both accurate. But yes, my weigh ins are on friday mornings as soon as I get up, but I go to the bathroom first. I understand that it was probably water weight but since I'm huge I thought this week I would lose a little more than 1 lb. And yes 11 lbs in 11 days is great! But you all really cheered me up so thanks for that!:tongue:

    We'll do some simple math here.

    11lbs * 3,500 cal/lb = 38500 calories
    38500 calories / 11 days = 3,500 cal net burned a da

    Now go to your diary and take your daily caloric consumption, I can't see your diary but gto be generous I'll assume you're eating 1200.

    3500 = X - 1200
    X = 4700 calories to burn a day

    Then subtract your BMR, lets just say its 1500 for arguments sake.

    3200 calories is how much you have to burn through normal daily activity and exercise.

    Ways to accomplish this (must be done daily)
    160 Minutes of running 8 mph (7.5 minute miles, or 21 miles in under 3 hours)
    500 Minutes of walking (2.5mph, liesurely, or walked almost 21 miles, just over 8 hours time)
    150 Minutes of swimming at a fast pace with vigorous effort.

    So, like I said before, these losses are impossible short of a serious ailment, surgery, or losing a limb in a tragic accident. Weight loss done right is a marathon, not a sprint. Realize what is realistic and settle in for a long haul because that's how it's done properly.

    This is EXACTLY what i was going to post. You did not lose ten pounds of fat unless you basically ate nothing at all and ran for several hours a day lol! Water weight at the start. 1lb a week is perfectly reasonable and maintainable x

    1lb a week is perfect, keep up the good work, I suspect that much at least is legitimate.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    How can you be unhappy with losing 1lb/day?
    I think you have your expectations too high
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    Congratulations on your amazing weight loss! When you begin a weight loss plan, your body juggles water, glycogen (2-3 lbs of this stored energy in your liver), sodium levels, etc. This, along with varying hormone levels, is why you're seeing these scale fluctuations. You need to take a longer-term approach. Be patient with yourself as all of these things stabilize. If you haven't lost any more weight in the next month or so, you may want to discuss this with your doctor as this may indicate a thyroid issue.

    Keep working the MFP program. You can also track sodium (which was very helpful for me in seeing less fluctuation on the scale). Drink your water, too! I try to take my measurements every 2-3 weeks for added encouragement. Sometimes the tape measure tells a better story than the scale!

    You can do this one day at a time! <3
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ It was all good reading until I saw ... " loose " ... I will never understand this one ! I am not perfect, I rarely respond ... but, I have to wonder when a word like " LOSE " is used so often on a site that is geared towards " LOSING " weight ...

    Why do some folks use this term soooooo " LOOSELY " ????? Hmmmmmm ....

    Ok ... sarcasm over !

    Reality ... 1 pound a week lost is a prime example of success ! Don't be discouraged, but perhaps encouraged ... to continue eating healthy, working out regularly and staying positive ! That ten pounds lost ... as awesome as it feels ... was a teaser and should just be enjoyed ... NEVER expected !

    The great thing about the human body is all of the mysteries it offers ... always try to seek the best possible plan of attack. You plateau .. You change. You lose steadily ... You continue doing whatever it is you've been doing ... until you plateau ... then you ...

    Change .... AGAIN !

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    Week Two weigh ins....didn't you ever watch The Biggest Loser? Notorious for teeny numbers.

    Stick with it, you'll lose. . .and LOOK Grammar Nazis. I spelt it write.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    LOL ... the scale is such a devious little brat!
    Do you know WHAT a scale knows? The effect of gravity on your body. THAT'S IT!!! That scale knows nothing about your body composition, muscle to fat ratio or water retention or dehydration levels. ALL it knows is the effect of gravity.

    So, I encourage you, find other ways to gauge your success. Can you walk longer today than you did last week without feeling quite so winded? Can you lift heavier weights? Do your pants fit a little looser? or your shirt (or in some cases, your bra?) Did you take measurements? If not, they often show us what a scale cannot you may want to consider it.

    And finally it has only been 2 weeks. It didn't take 2 weeks to make it to your current weight. It is going to take longer to build up your fitness levels and see results on the scale.

    I use the scale once a week as a checkppoint, and only because where I work there is a 'weight' standard, not necessarily a 'fitness standard'. But if you spend too much time caring about what it says you may lose time you could be devoting to doing something fun and fit!
  • kmath521
    Do you want to lose Fat or Weight?

    If you want to lose fat, then measure fat. Use a Skin Fold Caliper along with your scale weigh in weekly. I bought one online for $5, they usually come with a formula sheet to compute body fat %. Or use ( ). Here is an example of why you want to use skin caliper.

    I have weighed roughly 172lbs for 3 weeks now. I have not lost WEIGHT, but i have lost FAT. By using the skin caliper with the weekly measurements it showed me that i have lost around 2% body fat over the last 3 weeks.